
Brightly Colored

Food is not just about taste. It's about smell, and texture, and color. In some important, primal way, food colors signal things to us, and safe to say a monochromatic diet is not a healthy one. "The deeper the color, the healthier it is," say Whole Foods' crack nutritionists. To complete the Brightly Colored feat, you must make sure there are at least three bright colors on your plate at every meal, for just one day.  Get your inner Gauguin going, and have fun with this one. Think beets, kale, eggs, melon, curry...BLUEFISH! Need some inspiration? Check out these cool placemats.

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Image: Paul Gauguin

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Instructions: Login or Register to complete a feat! Swear that you're honest, then click!

Authored on 09.17.09 at 11:26 by qasimvirjee.


User Date & Time
Laurelie 13:45 09/29/2009
Juan Pablo 08:52 09/30/2009
ClareK 08:09 10/01/2009
goatgirlnyc 08:56 10/01/2009
moardy 16:32 10/01/2009
gotigers2003 18:11 10/01/2009
yoolichoi 19:51 10/01/2009
MarisaVH 20:07 10/01/2009
kriloucra 20:38 10/01/2009
flynn 21:29 10/01/2009
emoutdoors 22:02 10/01/2009
chessqueen84 22:38 10/01/2009
michlny 10:51 10/02/2009
suiterkin 13:31 10/02/2009
bltsang 17:07 10/02/2009
crxxe 19:14 10/02/2009
Matty_G_Fresh 20:54 10/02/2009
elle.belle 08:10 10/03/2009
Sardonic 16:07 10/03/2009
socialbug 16:12 10/03/2009
katiem 18:06 10/03/2009
swell1 05:03 10/04/2009
dawn 09:09 10/04/2009
oh_totally 13:29 10/04/2009
lawchick1122 14:27 10/04/2009
Karm 21:50 10/04/2009
lauradenning 22:05 10/04/2009
alisonvirginia 03:12 10/05/2009
meggiep 06:47 10/05/2009
andrealc23 09:35 10/05/2009
kornflowers 11:39 10/05/2009
renster 12:18 10/05/2009
19:28 10/05/2009
flashgordonsoap 20:05 10/05/2009
caroline 21:36 10/05/2009
hpdrury 21:43 10/05/2009
dhmorris 11:13 10/06/2009
Sparkles 13:33 10/06/2009
starry04 20:26 10/06/2009
rachelw 22:40 10/06/2009
msh258 10:56 10/07/2009
Eis4Emily 19:57 10/07/2009
jenniechris 21:52 10/07/2009
JustLuscious 21:55 10/07/2009
ccurrie 12:55 10/08/2009
Re-Offender 15:41 10/08/2009
Kiwi Girl 17:20 10/08/2009
rahree 18:43 10/08/2009
Augustina Groop 02:29 10/09/2009
forthrightfattie 08:22 10/09/2009
missliz1230 07:44 10/11/2009
surly_girl 15:29 10/12/2009
salsamamita 18:44 10/12/2009
thejanius 20:17 10/12/2009
sandyliz 23:37 10/12/2009
bicycleprincess 07:45 10/13/2009
meanyc 02:55 10/14/2009
kansoncha 16:47 10/14/2009
keriW 20:14 10/14/2009
ElizabethEv 11:37 10/15/2009
indigojones 15:38 10/15/2009
vonhottie 03:07 10/16/2009
benjamin 09:42 10/16/2009
Butwhatifido 17:56 10/18/2009
zuzupetals 19:37 10/18/2009
mreynolds 20:25 10/18/2009
sassletics82 00:02 10/20/2009
hivemind8 00:14 10/20/2009
femlafrog 09:49 10/20/2009
spindig 20:40 10/20/2009
f. pamplemousse 10:18 10/21/2009
gleam 19:53 10/21/2009
twinklefee 09:24 10/22/2009
hktexan 12:09 10/22/2009
k.ben 15:14 10/22/2009
muzzle32 23:02 10/23/2009
babarbanel 22:37 10/24/2009
tlp 16:31 10/26/2009
liz 06:38 10/27/2009
14:48 10/27/2009
nfolkert 15:48 10/27/2009
mo rizzle 21:31 10/27/2009
urbansherpa 22:50 10/27/2009
seshat 23:41 10/27/2009
Julie_savvyeats 10:34 10/28/2009
bg 11:51 10/28/2009
body electric 13:42 10/28/2009
@HereNow 21:31 10/28/2009
princessmichelle 09:26 10/29/2009
alicebradley 10:59 10/29/2009
reganh 12:40 10/29/2009
shaynet 16:24 10/30/2009
rennifer84 17:25 10/30/2009
anitak 16:05 10/31/2009
CJ 10:29 11/01/2009
bene 14:32 11/01/2009
Oliver 19:33 11/01/2009
oiwuc 19:50 11/15/2009
emahlee 23:01 11/27/2009
chelice 22:50 01/11/2010
FrogOmnibus 14:15 01/13/2010
KirstenDC 13:31 01/31/2010
Joe M 13:57 02/05/2010
Juan Llave Lozano 17:28 03/09/2010

Brightly Colored Related Posts

Feat Accompli!  

Juan Llave Lozano on 03/09/2010 - 17:28 Comment


Butternut squash! Salmon! Arugula! Honeycrisp apples.

Juan Pablo's picture

Goal: workout today + complete Brightly Colored feat. No workout yet, but got off to the right start with breakfast: RED peppers + GREEN spinach + ORANGE juice (fresh squeezed). ...And turkey bacon and scrambled eggs.

For inspiration, I love the Wegman's Eat a Rainbow Every Day guide.

gotigers2003's picture

So easy - I always eat for color! Breakfast this morning was papaya, red grapes, kiwi and banana. Lunch will be sardines and mixed greens (kale, chard, spinach). Not sure what's for dinner, but last night was sushi - mixed sashimi on greens, cucumber salmon wrap, and steamed veggies!

michlny's picture

omg, your meals sound amazing!! can you save some extra for me as well?? ;)

urbansherpa's picture

Look, look, look to the rainbow.... Always try to do this... for example, my kitchen is packed with zucchini, butternut squash, fennel, tomatoes, green and red apples, pears, radishes, cantaloup, turnips, chicken, eggs, beets, kale, eggplant, carrots. Then lets add cumin or ginger or rosemary, garlic...

kornflowers's picture

I had a colorful day yesterday. 

It started with a golden omlette (cafe-free hens eggs and cheddar cheese).

Later I had some dark green Israeli cimmichurri on flax quinoa bread.

I had some bright red farmer's market peppers with hummus.

I boiled one of those light green broccoli/cauliflower hybrids.

I ended the day with draft black coffee stout from Whole Foods UWS and had the last slice of a black and white chocolate moose birthday cake from Sing and Sing (Russell was 18 on Saturday).

@HereNow's picture

breakfast: banana, blueberries, raspberries oatmeal

lunch: avocado, mixed greens, tomato,

dinner: concord grapes, yellow/red and green peppers in fajita's, carrots/hummus

tlp's picture

Completed, yellow pepper, red tomatoes, green broccoli, yellow, purple and orange carrots, green pears and apples.

@HereNow's picture

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