yoga retreats


Harvest Yoga Retreat in the Catskills

  • Who: Our very own Aarona Pichinson
  • What: A long weekend of hiking, cold-plunges in waterfalls, soaks in the wood burning hot tub, two-a-day solar and lunar vinyasa flow classes, and a bonfire ceremony for the harvest full moon, with farm fresh meals throughout. 
  • Where: The Waterfall House in West Fulton, New York (the Catskills)
  • When: October 21 - 24, 2010

Waterfall House

New York


A Week of Boot Camp Wellness in Costa Rica

  • Who: Ariane Hundt of Brooklyn Bridge Boot Camp and Stefanie DiLibero of Gotham Wellness
  • What: A week of two-a-day boot camp classes, yoga, biking, surfing, running, and acupuncture on the beach in Costa Rica
  • When: April 24 - April 30, 2011
  • Where: Playa Cocles, Costa Rica
  • Why: Butt-kicking is so much better on a beautiful beach

Costa Rican Boot Camp


An Inside Look at The New Kripalu

What do you know about the Kripalu Center? That it's in the Berkshires? You're right. That, like, everyone hosts yoga retreats there? Right again. That the whole experience is vintage 70s vegetarian patchouli bunkhouse? Well, not so much anymore. The Washington Post sent a reporter up for the weekend to check out the Kripalu Center's new "Annex" building and to see whether Kripalu could appeal to modern yogis without losing its soul. The reporter's take: Good work, Kripalu.



New Years in Costa Rica with Kula Yoga

  • Who: The Kula Yoga Project with instructors Jillian Tureckin and Oceana Baity
  • What: Skip New Year's in the city and spend a week on the beach in Costa Rica, with two-a-day vinyasa yoga classes, lots of beach time, and hikes in the jungle. Kula is known for their advanced classes, but don't be intimidated if you're more of a beginner — Jillian teaches Kula's absolute beginner courses. 
  • When: December 27, 2010 - January 3, 2011
  • Where: Costa Rica's Osa Peninsula
Osa Peninsula (via <a href="">wha'appen</a>)


Four Days of Mayan Mysticism and Yoga in Mexico

  • Who: Bruce Bassock and Rita Trieger of Elemental Yoga Retreats
  • What: Four days on the beach in Mexico with daily yoga, including a restorative "aromayoga" session, meditation, a Mayan purifying ritual conducted by a local shaman, and "complimentary use of land/sea sports equipment" owned by the resort.
  • When: November 7 - 11, 2010
  • Where:Ceiba del Mar Beach & Spa Resort in Riviera Maya Cancun, Mexico 
Ceiba del Mar


A Week of Yoga and Cooking in Southern Italy

  • Who: Yoga instructor Mary Hart of Iron Crow Yoga
  • What: Rooftop yoga classes, horseback riding, cooking school, biking, fine Italian dining, and Italian beach time.
  • When: October 2 - 9, 2010
  • Where: Puglia, in southern Italy, with accommodations at luxury resort Masseria Torre Maizza

Puglia (via <a href="">ironcrowyoga</a>)

sassletics82 said "

Me want. Please. Wish list.

" More comments...


Bhakti Fest 2010: Four Days of Yoga and Kirtan in Joshua Tree

  • Who: A ton of people. Lots of big name yogis like Shiva Rea and Sara Ivanhoe, and a major gang of kirtan artists including Krishna Das, Bhagavan Das, Dave Stringer, and MC Yogi.
  • What: A four-day yoga music festival in the desert. Think lots of kirtan, lots of yoga, plus meditation lectures, seminars, and fire ceremonies galore. 
  • When: September 9-12, 2010
  • Where: Joshua Tree, CA
Joshua Tree (via


Mandy Ingber Luxury Yoga Weekend

  • Who: Mandy Ingber (aka Jennifer Aniston's yoga instructor) 
  • What: A restorative three-day/two-night yoga retreat weekend with three yoga sessions, smoothie breaks and afternoon spa treatments, plus a keepsake Lululemon yoga mat, and lunch and a Q&A session with Ingber 
  • When: September 10 – 12, 2010 
Elysian (via <a href=""></a>)

michlny said "

I'll sponsor you if you'll sponsor me ;o)

" More comments...


Four Days of Yoga and Mountain Biking in Moab

  • Who: Yoga instructor Silvia Mordini and cyclists and guide Jacob Young
  • What: A long weekend of yoga, hiking, mountain biking (including a safety clinic) and meditation
  • When: November 4-7, 2010
  • Where: Moab, Utah with hikes, rides, and outdoor yoga classes in and around Arches National Park
Arches (via <a href="">silviamordini</a>)

michlny said "

This sounds AWESOME!

I spent time at Red Mountain Spa in Utah ..." More comments...


Stand-Up Paddleboard and Yoga Retreat in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Retreat (via <a href="">kamadevayoga</a>)

Llaves said "

This was the best time of my life!!! You guys should totally go!! ..." More comments...

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