

Fertility and Libido The Mellow Eastern Medicine Way

Whether you're in love with birth control and just looking for more sexercise or hoping to sign up for stroller bootcamp soon, here's an event worth noting:

  • Who: Our friends over at Well + Good NYC and Jill Blakeway, board certified acupuncturist, clinical herbalist, former Professor of Asian Medicine, and fertility and libido expert
  • What: A salon-style discussion event, focused on libido and fertility
  • When: Monday, October 4, 2010, 6:30 to 8:00 P.M.
  • Where: The YinOva Center, 80 E. 11th St., NYC
  • Why: Maybe the word "fertility" totally spooks you (like it does me) but then there's the libido part. Just a reminder — sex is good exercise. 
Libido (via <a href="">Jonathan!</a>)

New York

laxmicane said "

I went to this and it was great. It was packed with people which ..." More comments...


Give Your Yoga for Women for Women International

  • What: A Yoga fundraiser for Women for Women International, which helps women survivors of war rebuild their lives. In the words of Elena Brower who will co-lead the evening's yoga class with Elizabeth Rossa, "a healing, celebratory evening, with a delicious, intentional yoga class, a silent auction, and inspiring speakers." Music by Garth Stevenson will accompany the class.
  • When: Thursday, September 30, 2010, 6:30 - 9:30 P.M.,
  • Where: Urban Zen, 711 Greenwich Street, New York, NY
  • How Much: $100. 
  • Link: 100 spots available, more details and registration information at Give Your Yoga.

via Women for Women International

New York


Get Your Dance On This Saturday at YogaWorks Soho

  • Who: Flavorpill, EarthDance,, and YogaWorks Soho 
  • What: Get Your Dance On! Two floors of non-stop dancing, with live drumming, and complimentary (and healthy) food and drink from Tumeric Alive, Gnosis Chocolate, Katalyst Kombucha, Whole Foods, Frey Wines, and Kind Bars. All ages, all backgrounds, all love. Dress to sweat! 
  • When: Saturday, September 18. Pre-dance Global Prayer for Peace and permaculture discussion panel starting at 7; dance party starts at 8.
  • Where: YogaWorks Soho, 459 Broadway (2nd floor).

New York


Is It Shallow To Pick Your Team Based Purely On Their Name?

There's a strong possibility that, gasp, you've failed to follow the Brooklyn Kickball League this season. But the New York Post wants you to know, it's not too late — playoffs start this weekend, and the Post has a handy guide to which crazy teams to watch (complete with wry little lines like "Who is the dark horse? Is it the aptly named Pony Boys?")  Perhaps most interesting — the team names. You've got:

Kickball (via <a href="">Bob B. Brown</a>)

New York


Are You Ready For Some Magical Fitness?

If November 19th is already circled on your calendar with the note "Harry Potter 7 opens!" there are a couple of other dates you should also be marking: November 13th and 14th. That's when the Quidditch World Cup comes to town. Hosted by the International Quidditch Association, the games go down this year in NYC. And Social Workout's very own Killercadoogan is fielding a team in association with the NYC Harry Potter Meetup Group aka The Group That Shall Not Be Named (TGTSNBN). Try-outs are this Saturday! But that's not all. As a lead up to the Quidditch World Cup, Killercadoogan and TGTSNBN bring you the Quidditch Team Training Challenge. 28 days of magic and fitness. Details after the jump. 


New York

vonhottie said "

I will put my full facebook networking powers behind promoting this ..." More comments...


Last Chance To Sign Up For The Warrior Dash

Here at Social Workout HQ, we take regular stretch breaks during which we touch our toes, do pushups, and awkwardly lunge around the office. Yesterday's stretch was all aflutter with talk of the upcoming Warrior Dash. Seems a number of our cool Flavorpill officemates are doing the dash, which involves, mud, flames, rock walls, cargo nets, old tires, swamps, planks, get the idea. In sum, it's 3.23 miles of dirty mayhem. And this is the last weekend to sign up. The details:

Warrior Dash (via

New York


Chelsea and Bill Spin For $100K

How much do people love spinning? Or maybe the better question is, how much do people who love spinning love the Clintons? So much that Soul Cycle's hour long ride with Bill and Chelsea this weekend raised more than a $100,000 for the Clinton Foundation Haiti Fund. Very nice. And also intriguing. I've developed a theory: I think it has something to do with spandex. Spandex is not a conservative fabric. The more spandex you wear, the more liberal you are. Spinning and its full body do the math.

Spandex (via <a href="">One-Fat-Man</a>)

New York


Sweaty, Muddy Ways For Bankers To Unwind

For angry bankers who can't work it out with the Wall Street Journal's suggestion of Bikram Yoga, Business Week has another idea: The Spartan Race. To kick it off, a guy in a cape and helmet yells "Spartans, prepare for glory! No retreat! No surrender! That is Spartan law. Remember to return with your shield—or on it! Ah-roo!" and then racers run three miles, jump hurdles, climb over piles of wood and dirt and dodge bare-chested men with jousting sticks.

Spartan Race (via <a href="">businessweek</a>)


Ride With Chelsea and Bill This Saturday

Soul Cycle's Ride for Haiti event this Saturday still has a few bikes left. The details:

  • What: A 60-minute ride to benefit The Clinton Foundation Haiti Fund, led by instructors Laurie Cole and Stacey Griffith, with Bill and Chelsea pedaling away alongside the rest of the class. 
  • When: Saturday, August 28th. 4:15 P.M. 
  • Where: SoulCycle Bridgehampton, 264 Butter Lane, Bridgehampton, NY 
  • Link: Join Soul Cycle and Chelsea Clinton to Help Haiti 
  • RSVP: Email for pricing information and to request a spot.
Haiti + Clintons + Spinning = Infographic Fun

New York


Break Through Your Yoga Barriers

Want to finally get into wheel, crow, or handstand? The "Advancing Your Practice" workshop at YogaWorks Soho this weekend is all about helping you figure out what's holding you back, either physically or mentally. Instructors Katie Malachuk and Keith Yzquierdo will get into the nitty gritty of alignment, examine the component parts of challenging poses, and explore strategies for overcoming the fear and aversion that can affect your practice. You'll leave with specific tips for what to work on at home and in class to advance your practice. The details:

Inverted Katie (via

New York

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