
Hard Core

What's Your Very First CrossFit Workout Really Like?

Never tried CrossFit but wonder what it would really be like? You could just go. Or you could start by checking out Angela Jimenez's awesome photoessay on CrossFit Gotham (complete with an insightful thousand word essay to accompany the pics). Or you could properly scare/pump yourself up by taking a look at this wild video of the CrossFit Games. But if that's not enough and you need a little more insight, you could also turn to our friends at Well + Good NYC, who dispatched an avid cyclist and weightlifting virgin to experience CrossFit for the first time with CrossFit South Brooklyn. Her final verdict: "My thighs felt a little like they got caught in some kind of farm equipment. I’m a little broken, but in the best possible way, and I’m already thinking about when I can go again." Read the full tale of her first time with overhead squats and sprints around the block over on Well + Good.

CrossFit by Angela Jimenez

Best News of the Week?

For Halloween, my Crossfit Coach is going to be a Shake Weight.


So good.


Hi! Remember me?

Yeah. I'm not dead. And I have been working out. Most of the time. A lot has been going on and I have a lot to tell you about. But I didn't want SW to hit a big fat million without my contribution, so I entered the minutes I knew I hadn't logged yet. Because I earned my minutes. I might log more when I get to sit down and recount everything that's happened for you. And I'm gonna.

Greetings from Flynn's Arcade!

New York


Adriana <3 Deadlifts

Deadlifts are one of my favorite Olympic lifts.  A full body move, where form is of equal importance as strength is.  Gripping correctly, bending at the right time, activating the legs, and focus.

170lbs x 30 reps
Workout Date: 
Sat, 08/07/2010 (All day)


170lb Deadlift x 30 reps

Deadlifts are one of my favorite Olympic lifts.  A full body move, where form is of equal importance as strength is.  Gripping correctly, bending at the right time, activating the legs, and focus.




In Crossfit, we occasionally get asked what our favorite Olympic lift is.  I waver between the Deadlift, Power Cleans, and the Push Jerk.  Today I made myself believe that the Push Jerk was my favorite.

75lb Jerk x 50 reps
Workout Date: 
Tue, 08/03/2010 (All day)



Continuing on with my mission to visit a different Crossfit affiliate gym wherever my travels take me, today I popped into CROSSFIT SANTA BARBARA!

Adult Jungle Gym
Workout Date: 
Fri, 07/23/2010 (All day)


The Buffest City Workers: Garbage Men

“Out of all the agencies, this is the job you want to be physically fit for...that stuff doesn’t jump in that hopper. It gets in there by lifting, pulling, poking and dumping,” says the president of the Uniformed Sanitationmen’s Association. Accordingly, the Sanitation Department has a physical test. It's like trash CrossFit. Here's what it looked like in 1940:

  • Hoist a 120-pound trash can up onto a 4 foot 6 inch ledge
  • Scale an 8 foot tall fence
  • Run 120 yards in 25 seconds while carrying a 50-pound dumbell in each hand.

Here's what it looks like today:

Trash (via <a href="">mysza831</a>)

ADRIANA said "

I'd totally date a NYC garbage man if they can complete that ..." More comments...


Boston Terriers may be psychic

It was not easy to motivate today. I spent the weekend at home with the Husband, doing largely very little, we leave for ComicCon in a week, and our schedules have been extra hectic lately, so the quiet time was extra nice. So going to work was difficult. Going to the gym after falling asleep on the bus home was harder. Sophie made it damn near impossible.

Where (gym, studio, etc.): : 
Classes Taken: 
Sophie and I watched HBO last night.
Workout Date: 
Mon, 07/12/2010 (All day)

Evangeline said "

If I don't die today, I'll sign up tmo..

" More comments...


Mystery Packages and the Magical Powers of In-N-Out

I was on the fence about working out on Friday. It's been a long week, and I was so tired, and since I happen to have the weekend off I was trying to talk myself into lying around tonight because I'd be active this weekend.

Then the Husband called as I was walking into the builiding to tell me he had procured my two Double Doubles from In-N-Out. In-N-Out makes him a popular man. He always tells me stories about how people try to buy my burgers from him when he walks through LAX. The people at one particular In-N-Out have become familiar with this routine and tell him he's the best Husband ever (He is). Well, my Double Doubles got him an upgrade on his flight yesterday. He was going to check in his carry-on because the bag o' burgers qualifes as a second package, and the staffer at the gate not only told him he could sneak the package in, he upgraded the Husband to business class! In-N-Out is magic!

Where (gym, studio, etc.): : 
Classes Taken: 
Magic I tell you!
Workout Date: 
Fri, 07/09/2010 (All day)

Evangeline said "

@sandyliz: It is that good. Is it better when it's hot and fresh ..." More comments...

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