
"i can do anything good!!!"
New York
Member Of...
I Heart These...
- The Ride - Dianne
- Bodyweb with TRX System - Terrell P.
- Urban Rebounding - Terrell P.
- Inner Warrior - Lucia
- Barefoot Benny's Bootcamp - Benny
- Hatha Yoga - Jess G.
- The Ride - Jeanette
- Brooklyn Bridge Bootcamp - Roy
- Pole Dancing - Kyra J.
- Hot Yoga - Jess
- Everlast's Art of Boxing - Aaron D.
- Crunch - Union Square
- The Ride - Ayana W.
- Mike Pierre
Feats Completed
- The Feralicious Challenge:
- 6.) Sit Ups
- 5.) Push Ups!
- 4.) Cardio, Unplugged
- 1.) General Exercise
- 9.) Squats!
- 7.) Pull Ups
- D.I.Y. Feral!
- 2.) Eat Wild
- 3.) Ritual and Rhythm
- 8.) Dips!
See all feats for The Feralicious Challenge
- The Love Challenge:
- Love Body
- Love Belly
- Love Soul
- Love Mind
See all feats for The Love Challenge
- Social Workout Challenge: New Years Edition:
- Sleep Log
- Take A Bath
- Home Workout
- Sleep Discipline Redux
- Share the Love
- The One Thousands
- D.I.Y. Feat
- Plant Friendly
- Pimp Your Bed
- Whole Grainy
- Jan Plan Plus
- Stand Up
- Sugar Free
- Step It Up
- Go Fish
- Home Food
See all feats for Social Workout Challenge: New Years Edition
- Emergency Holiday Challenge:
- Blood Alcohol Leveling
- Family Oriented
- Historic Dancing
- Stand Up!
- Naughty Flogging
- Walking on Christmas
- Stocking Stuffer
- Festivus Pole Dancing
- Divine Singing
- Unspike the Punch
- Spread the Word
- Sweat Sacred
- Shop in Peace
- Reindeer Gaming
- Box on Boxing Day
See all feats for Emergency Holiday Challenge
- Eat. Sweat. Blog.:
- Unsweetened
- Brightly Colored
- Soda Free
- Fast Foodless
- Raw food day
- No Late Night Snacking
- Flog
- Brown Bagger
- Juice fast
- Personal chef
- Smoothiest
- SW-e-AT
See all feats for Eat. Sweat. Blog.
- Other Feats:
- General Healthy Eating
- Alt.Healthy.Fast
- Sleep Discipline Six-by-Six-Thirty
- A Day of Silence
- Plank Personal
- Sing
- Wheel Pose
- Half Century Bike Ride
- Jump Rope - One Minute with Five Crossies
- Hula Hoop
- Commuting Meditation
- Mile Run
- 2009 Feats of Summer 50 Workout Challenge
- Recover from H1N1 Virus
- Free Throws
- Group Fitness Class Sampler
- Chinups
- Headstand
- Situps
- Pushups
- Handstand by 20
See all feats
mcfit is the new crunch.
omg, is my saying that blasphemous? perhaps. fact remains, however, that my vibrams will bring me fame and stardom at mcfit. yup. nobody knows it yet, but they all won't just keep glancing at my weirdo shoes. nope. soon enough, they will be asking me what those weirdo shoes are. and, from there, it's just a matter of time before i'm super-famous. yup.
McFit - Berlin-Mitte
long run, the 9th: emergency.
The run started great – I’d joined my old men in spandex and short shorts and after dividing into groups by pace and distance I’d ended up with the meets organizer, Huebi (the only person IN THE WORLD to have done every single Berlin Marathon since it started), Wolfgang (short, stocky & bad-ass nature connoisseur who was telling us about all the ginormous mushrooms we were coming across on our run
the ick.
When I look at a lovely bowls of perfect, deeply colored berries, or the luscious expanse of a bunch of kale all I see is delicious. And healthy. Yumm!!! You guys already I know that I make a general effort to stay entirely away from processed foods, and for the most part I prefer to pick local and organic varieties of foods.
note about address
this is actually in Berlin, Germany. I had to enter a fake zipcode!
on course again, aka, my triceps have already forgotton about me.
Last night I finally signed up with McFit. Don’t be fooled though…that doesn’t mean I worked out. Instead, I went food shopping, made myself a steak salad, poured a glass of Malbec, and indulged in a piece of 90% cacao dark chocolate. I figured that signing up alone was a good step in the right direction. Oh, and the cherry on top of my day?
McFit - Berlin-Mitte
long run, the 7th: fail.
I had planned ahead for a run taking me around Berlin, passing some of the important sights and going through a number of neighborhoods. It should have taken 20 miles. It ended up being just under 11.
oh crap! maybe i'm european after all?!
Instead of working out or going for a run, I went to the market and picked up smoked prosciutto, french salami, and the most amazing sunflower-seed bread rolls... I slathered the rolls in the most unbelievable butter, topped them with the delicious meats and ate them with cornichons and roasted red pepper.
out there, finally.
Ok, I did it. I knew I couldn't let another day pass without getting some serious endorphines, I threw on my Vibrams, strapped on my Garmin and headed out the door, accepting the fact that I wouldn't know where I was heading.
not so (Mc)Fit yet – please help!
I decided on the cheapy gym. Well, I’ve decided but I haven’t yet signed up…the choice between the two gyms in the end was pretty easy…I simply couldn’t handle the über-structured environment of the fancy gym and the colorful and young McFit location around the corner from my apartment was way more appealing.
eurotrip, part 2: the new home.
So, I’ve arrived in Berlin. It’s weird. I mean, Berlin isn’t weird…it’s just the fact that people interact with me as if I’m German (though they assume I’m not from Berlin), but I’m not GERMAN German and when it comes down to it, I really don’t have a clue what’s going on half the time.
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mcfit is the new crunch.
omg, is my saying that blasphemous? perhaps. fact remains, however, that my vibrams will bring me fame and stardom at mcfit. yup. nobody knows it yet, but they all won't just keep glancing at my weirdo shoes. nope. soon enough, they will be asking me what those weirdo shoes are. and, from there, it's just a matter of time before i'm super-famous. yup.
McFit - Berlin-Mitte
long run, the 9th: emergency.
The run started great – I’d joined my old men in spandex and short shorts and after dividing into groups by pace and distance I’d ended up with the meets organizer, Huebi (the only person IN THE WORLD to have done every single Berlin Marathon since it started), Wolfgang (short, stocky & bad-ass nature connoisseur who was telling us about all the ginormous mushrooms we were coming across on our run
on course again, aka, my triceps have already forgotton about me.
Last night I finally signed up with McFit. Don’t be fooled though…that doesn’t mean I worked out. Instead, I went food shopping, made myself a steak salad, poured a glass of Malbec, and indulged in a piece of 90% cacao dark chocolate. I figured that signing up alone was a good step in the right direction. Oh, and the cherry on top of my day?
McFit - Berlin-Mitte
long run, the 7th: fail.
I had planned ahead for a run taking me around Berlin, passing some of the important sights and going through a number of neighborhoods. It should have taken 20 miles. It ended up being just under 11.
out there, finally.
Ok, I did it. I knew I couldn't let another day pass without getting some serious endorphines, I threw on my Vibrams, strapped on my Garmin and headed out the door, accepting the fact that I wouldn't know where I was heading.
danke sehr!
Wonderful people of Social Workout: thank you! I did indeed just go for a run. It was not too long, but it was a solid 2 miles (with hills!) in a little over 18 minutes. Clearly, the mountain air does a little something for my pace! Of course, as I'm running, I'm obligated to greet everyone I come across with a 'grüetzi'...if I didn't it would just be rude.
Today was my last session with Trainer Mike before I leave for Germany on Wednesday and I have to admit I was more than a little bummed. Trainer Mike was bummed too. So, we just decided to "go out with a bang." We started with 3x20 2-arm kettlebell swings (45 lbs) and 3x20 kettlebell deadlifts (65 lbs). Then, because it "makes my tail wag" as Trainer Mike puts it, we boxed.
Crunch - Union Square
long run, the 6th: emotions.
At this point, each bi-weekly long run is the longest run of my life. It's terrifying but also motivating to know I can push myself further each time. This week's run was 18.5 miles long and took me just over 3 1/2 hours. Clearly, it was a slow pace (I ran with the Galloway group again), but I didn't even really feel tired or hurt until about mile 14.
i win!
Crunch - Union Square
the only thing missing was a velvet rope.
Today's workout was epic. I mean, it was a over-the-top, really-only-ok-once-in-a-while, manic sweatfest. Oh my was also delicious.
Class(es) Taken:
The Ride - Dianne
Crunch - Union Square
Tue, 08/10/2010 (All day)
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perhaps converted?
So, y’all know I’m a die-hard for Ayana. I could probably be put on deserted island with Ayana and a bike and live happily ever after. I love every thing about her class and, therefore, have a really hard time with subs. Well, today something changed. I didn’t hate the sub. In fact, I kinda enjoyed her.
fun to try, but not the best workout
Though some of the exercises definitely got me working, I thought the class involved way too much fumbling with the TRX and not enough movements. Also, and perhaps this is a problem with the layout of the Union Square location, you had to constantly navigate around all the other participants in the class. The instructor Bethany L.
New York
great intro to boxing
This class was my first introduction to boxing. Aaron is a great instructor, clearly very knowledgeable and extremely enthusiastic. You can't help but get into it as you count down your drills!
awesome instructor!
Ayana is amazing. Honestly, I could leave it at that, but for those of you who want to hear more, here goes:
First off, the music in this class is fantastic - a mix of old and new hip hop / r & b. It's definitely very rhythm-oriented, which makes it pretty easy to understand how you should be biking at any moment.
my hero ;-)
I started training with Mike at the end of January. I'd been somewhat nervous about the fact that I didn’t know anything about the trainer I was to be matched with and I was worried about how I would handle if we didn’t “mesh” well. Turns out, I shouldn’t have worried about that for a sec!
on 04.13.09 at 11:37 by msh258 | 5 Comments
good thing i still get notifications for this site!!! you have to join the party on sowo! i'm not quite loving it yet either, but people are def on there...just log in, go to goals...pick a few that look interesting. once you have goals that you can 'track', every time you update you can also blog! come over there! we miss you!
Posted in response to: Dear SW
on 14 years 14 weeks ago by msh258
fyi --- oliver, did you know that in germany i get german adds on SW. weird.
Posted in response to: What the Hell Happened to the Blog And Other Important Matters
on 14 years 14 weeks ago by msh258
bye, charity :-(
Posted in response to: What the Hell Happened to the Blog And Other Important Matters
on 14 years 20 weeks ago by msh258
it's actually 24 points high...ideally you want 120/80. and the yoga bit was a J O K E. heard of those? :-P
Posted in response to: The “Health and Wellness Fair" at Work
on 14 years 20 weeks ago by msh258
your blood pressure is too should do some yoga & cut out the salt ;-)
Posted in response to: The “Health and Wellness Fair" at Work
on 14 years 22 weeks ago by msh258
Posted in response to: Sweat By The Numbers
on 14 years 22 weeks ago by msh258
Posted in response to: My Life As A Diet Pill Model
on 14 years 22 weeks ago by msh258
this was one of the funniest posts i've read in a long time! i was rolling! haha
Posted in response to: Lumpy beds, squeaky ellipticals and squishing roaches. WORD.
on 14 years 23 weeks ago by msh258
Posted in response to: Crawling To The Top of Mount Kilimanjaro
on 14 years 23 weeks ago by msh258
awesome! everyone should do this!
Posted in response to: Are You Ready For Some Magical Fitness?
on 14 years 24 weeks ago by msh258
killercadoogan ran the barefoot run with AJ Jacobs and Chris McDougall (author of born to run). so jealous i missed it!
Posted in response to: A. J. Jacobs, Healthiest Human, Listens to NPR on Doublespeed
on 14 years 24 weeks ago by msh258
a lot going on in these tags ;-)
Posted in response to: who knew i like to count things?
on 14 years 24 weeks ago by msh258
Posted in response to: The Shelf Life of McDonalds
on 14 years 24 weeks ago by msh258
thanks guys! actually, i've been researching running clubs here, but am having no luck so far...i'll keep looking...
Posted in response to: long run, the 7th: fail.
on 14 years 24 weeks ago by msh258
ew GRE is right...and the combo of wine + GRE did not work out as anticipated and after about 30 mins, i decided to devote myself 100% to the wine.
Posted in response to: oh crap! maybe i'm european after all?!
on 14 years 24 weeks ago by msh258
you should have a giant skype set-up so i can call in & party with you all as i drink giant steins of beer and eat bratwurst. ok? cool. thankssssss!
Posted in response to: New Challenges, Victory Parties, and Barreling into the Future
on 14 years 24 weeks ago by msh258
skype party!!! though, mohawk, you'll be happy to know it's getting better every day :-). and yes, i'm sure nyu is not the same without me...twinklefee?
Posted in response to: Can Women Coach Football?
on 14 years 24 weeks ago by msh258
that ending was fantastic! hahaha
Posted in response to: Flying is Fun
on 14 years 24 weeks ago by msh258
yup. agreed.
Posted in response to: If I Do Another Quarter Turn Up The Bike Pedals Will Lock
on 14 years 24 weeks ago by msh258
germany's good so far :-)...had some lonely moments, being as i DON'T KNOW A SOUL HERE...but, i'm getting there. anyways, i started running yesterday, which made me feel much more at home right away. i'm hungry...i want to go to a bakery...damn bakeries will be the end of my paleo self. sigh...
Posted in response to: Can Women Coach Football?
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on 14 years 2 weeks ago by msh258