
Workout Wear

It's Seasonal Gear Shift Time

Happy first day of Fall. Now that summer is over and done with it's time to go shopping. Well, for me to go shopping. Truth be told up until recently all of my exercise happened within the confines of the gym. I like it there, everything is organized and climate controlled...and I can wear the same black yoga capris and t-shirts to workout all year round. I've never had to amp up my fitness wardrobe for a change in climate before. But thanks to a newfound love of the outdoors I'm left with a dilemma...what the f@#k do I wear now? Lucky for me, and you, I did some research.


Other Places

mcheerio said "

Incase you're in need of a product review: totally have this jacket ..." More comments...

SW Labs

Add Some Caffeine To Your Morning Ride

I would bike to work, you say, but then when would I drink my coffee? Social Workout's esteemed engineer Micah has that problem all worked out. Behold: The bike coffee holder, or as it's properly called, "The Morning Rush Coffee Holder Kit." $39.99 and you too could be sipping and riding. Micah gives it a big thumbs up. Though, after risking death one morning with an improper mug, he vigorously recommends heading the kit's warning that "mug holder ring only to be used with accompanying commuter mug. Using other devices or cups will lead to spillage and possible serious accidents."

Micah's Bike

Butwhatifido said "

This was the best gift I ever got my brother - but his ..." More comments...


Autumn Biking And Wine Tour In Italy

  • Who: DuVine Adventures with chef Josh Ziskin and wine director Jennifer Ziskin, co-owners of La Morra Ristorante in Boston
  • What: Five days of cycling through the hills, vineyards, and villages of Italy's Piedmont region, with gourmet Italian carb loading and regional wine pairings every evening. Roughly 15 - 30 miles of biking daily, with optional longer rides
  • When: October 4 - 9, 2010
  • Where: Trip begins in Alessandria, Italy and ends in Monforte, with hotel accommodations each night along the way
Piedmont (via


Average Weight Gain Numbers Bleak, But Bikers' Numbers Much Better

Remember that study we mentioned a few days ago about biking and walking even in small increments being marvelously effective at keeping your weight in check? It's in the news again today, if only because USA Today would like to accentuate the negative, the negative being that the average woman in the 18,000 woman study gained 20 pounds in 16 years. But again, we remind you, it doesn't have to be that way. Focus again on the biking and walking healthy magic part! 

Bike (via <a href="">xddorox</a>)

johnib said "

Biking is the best sport.

" More comments...


Even Tiny Exercise Increments Make a Difference

So maybe you were one of the many who panicked over that study suggesting people had to work out an hour a day, every day, for the rest of their lives, or face steady weight gain. But fear not! A new study at the Harvard School of Public Health shows that just a little bit of biking and brisk walking goes a long way. The study looked at more than 18,000 women over a 16-year period and found that biking, even as little as five minutes each day, and brisk walking, averaging about 30 minutes a day, worked wonders for weight control. Biking was particularly good. "More bicycling predicts less weight gain...The more time women spent bicycling, the better," says the author's lead study. 

Bike Light (via <a href="">Christopher Isherwood</a>)



bronx river parkway closed today.  got 17 miles in and then headed to the rock club to do some climbing.  determined to learn how to boulder. it's hard.

Workout Date: 
Sun, 06/06/2010 (All day)


climb climb climb climb RUN!

saturday: 13 miles on the bike.  hill drills are difficult but i did it.

Workout Date: 
Sat, 06/05/2010 (All day)


Morgan Runs to Hip-Hop and Wants to Ride Her Bike Across America

Every day, we give you a snapshot of one fellow striver in fitness. We ask personal questions, he or she boldly answers. Today's snapshot: Morgan, aka oldestgal.

  • What's your secret (fitness-related) sin? I listen to rap and hip-hop while I run and lift weights. My sons (24 & 26) just roll their eyes when they look at my playlist.
  • What's the best thing in your gym bag? Without a doubt, my iPod. I'm on my third one! 

oldestgal said "

Here's My Playlist:

Lose Yourself - Eminem

B.O.B. - ..." More comments...


Get Naked and Pedal On World Naked Bike Ride Day

Naked biking may sound uncomfortable/crazyfun, but rest assured, the World Naked Bike Ride isn't discomfort/crazyfun for discomfort/crazyfun's sake. No no, it's naked biking for a cause, to be more specific, the organizers view the event as one big nude protest: "We face automobile traffic with our naked bodies as the best way of defending our dignity and exposing the unique dangers faced by cyclists and pedestrians as well as the negative consequences we all face due to dependence on oil and other forms of non-renewable energy." Whether anything which causes the sort of chafing naked biking does can be called dignified is up for debate, but should you care to join in the annual event, mark your calendar for June 12th. Details:

WNBR (via <a href=""></a>)

New York

Mr. Mohawk said "

Who wants to be my wing girl and go with me to interview people?? ..." More comments...

Spirit Guides

Why Did the Runner Cross the Bridge? Part Deux.

Catching up on the Earth Day adventures of Million Minute Month Spirit Guide and Bridge Runner Mike Saes who's left his native NYC bridges to explore the superstructures of San Francsico. ~ The Eds.

After bragging about my run route this morning and being a beautiful sunny Earth day in San Francisco, a couple of homies and I rented some bikes and rolled back over the Golden Gate. This time I got to experience the best downhill I've ever rolled, on a road that leads you right into Sausalito where we indulged in some clam chowder and a brewski. We wisely ended up taking the ferry back to SF. I felt bad for the victims pushing their rental beach cruiser bikes back up that hill, but I am proud that I never hit the gears on my mountain bike, and had a great day being Golden. PLUS, I added another 210 minutes to my Earth Day work out. Onward towards One Million!

 biking the golden gate via nicolas boullosa

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