
Naughty Flogging

We've had food logging feats for sometime, but it took MeggieP to come up with the idea of logging just the naughty things. Brilliant! To achieve this feat, you must keep a detailed log of all cookies, cakes, and cocktails you consume over the holidays. Or similar indulgences. What's an indulgence? This is in the eye of the beholder: If it's something you might not have cooked, or been served, let alone eaten (or drank), in healthy June, simply make a note of it. And perhaps share the recipe.

The challenge this feat relates to: 
Instructions: Login or Register to complete a feat! Swear that you're honest, then click!

Authored on 11.19.09 at 10:44 by Oliver.


User Date & Time
ALKings10 23:40 11/29/2009
elenaho 22:37 12/02/2009
MammaPole 22:30 12/03/2009
volcane09 07:15 12/15/2009
runleenarun 09:14 12/16/2009
Kaitlyn 09:28 12/18/2009
alicebradley 16:13 12/18/2009
PicturesInInk 16:22 12/20/2009
emahlee 23:45 12/21/2009
meggiep 21:22 12/27/2009
Mr. Mohawk 10:50 12/28/2009
syrupandhoney 11:35 12/28/2009
artichkme 20:57 12/28/2009
kornflowers 11:16 12/29/2009
shaynet 22:45 12/29/2009
lhlady517 12:08 12/30/2009
twinklefee 22:10 12/30/2009
sassletics82 00:14 12/31/2009
vonhottie 00:33 12/31/2009
princessmichelle 13:41 12/31/2009
Eis4Emily 16:00 12/31/2009
Fraidy 18:51 12/31/2009
msh258 10:39 01/01/2010
reganh 10:46 01/01/2010
lizh 11:59 01/01/2010
sandyliz 12:02 01/01/2010
Sardonic 15:50 01/01/2010
starry04 16:29 01/01/2010
oiwuc 20:55 01/01/2010

Naughty Flogging Related Posts


Oh, to turn down being called brilliant is KILLING ME, but I'm pretty sure MrMohawk was the genesis of this one. Damn him.

meggiep's picture

I am without internet from 21st to 29th, during which I will be indulging in so many forbidden things it's untrue (meat, for one!) - if I log everything once I'm back, will that count?

CakeOrDeath's picture

Doing my naughty flogging with FitDay. That way I not only log it but I log it down to the calorie. This is going to be a tough one!

EquinoxJulie's picture

Okay, here goes....

Yesterday:  cheese and crackers (try not to eat wheat and dairy anymore); stringbean casserole (yes, the cream and fried onions); sweet potatoes with marshmallows (not eating sugar); stuffing (not eating wheat); tons of chocolate and cookies (see above); wine (don't really drink)

Today:  wheat bread; cheese; popcorn; pumpkin pie; crackers; 7 layer cake; more stringbean casserole, more stuffing, more sweet potatoes... (see above for all the reasons why all of these are on the list!). 

(It's very hard to go up and down stairs - or even move for that matter) when you eat like this... glad i got it out of the way early in the challenge... now I can go back to my healthy lifestyle!

Said the shepherd boy to the little lamb... do you hear what I hear?

kornflowers's picture

3 big chocolate chip cookies + big glass of chocolate milk last night.  And I wasn't even hungry.  Making up for it this AM with heavier weights on my workout.

tri.bassett's picture

Ice cream binge.  :(

volcane09's picture

Yep, I do this on my blog. It's cathartic — sometimes it just helps to get it out there!

runleenarun's picture

A little bit of chocolate everyday. I can't count the number of cocktails I've consumed since this challenge began. Thank god for spin class.

Kaitlyn's picture

Am I the only one naughty flogging?  How pathetic is that?  Sat:  egg nog, panchecreme, rugelah, more egg nog, apple crumb pie...

kornflowers's picture

Mr. Mohawk is the Genesis of many things.

Mr. Mohawk's picture

Chinatown on Christmas day... and can't do chinatown without chinese icecream... 2 scoops - cherry pistacio and almond cookie.  Yumm-o

kornflowers's picture

my mom's homemade kit kats, peanut butter fudge, peanut brittle.

lhlady517's picture

Warning: Table './sowoblog_live/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:343:\"Table './sowoblog_live/accesslog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired\nquery: INSERT INTO accesslog (title, path, url, hostname, uid, sid, timer, timestamp) values('Naughty Flogging', 'node/18881', '', '', 0, '92fca1df91ae0db6413f0ba77465e446', 26418, 1741917738)\";s:5:\"%file\";s:63:\"/home/sowoblog/public_html/modules/statistics/statistics.module\";s:5:\"%line\";i:63;}', 3, '', 'http://sowoko.com/feat/naughty-flogging', '' in /home/sowoblog/public_html/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135