Pushing And Pulling: A Fitting End
Our yoga practice tonight was dedicated to identifying what pulls us forward with desire and what pushes us away with dismay, and to begin embracing both. I thing that is a fitting way to approach the end of the Million Minute Month(s).
MMM challenged me because at times it felt like it championed quantity over quality, and I found myself not pushing as hard so that I could go longer and earn more minutes. But I think efficient, challenging workouts might benefit me more. On the other hand, I've loved watching the number of minutes climb, seeing where we spend our time and how balanced (or not) my exercise is. Most of all I love that we accomplished this lofty goal as a team.
So it is with the same sense of pushing away and pulling forward that makes me sad to see the MMM end, but excited to move on and try something new.
I enjoyed reading about your yoga class. Your teacher's lesson resonated with me as I try to be mindful of the push and pull dynamic often. I appreciate the idea of embracing both, it's such a nice way to help us work through tricky moments. Thanks for sharing:)
Submitted by Kaitlyn on 08.13.10 at 01:13.