Noon Stretch
Yay Yoga Sunday
"Hip hop, yoga 2.5hrs-yay nice yoga session, actually noticed some improvement in airplane and tree, whichi normally fallout of. held crow up for 3secs, hooray" — maymay, yesterday, 6:23 P.M.
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"Hip hop, yoga 2.5hrs-yay nice yoga session, actually noticed some improvement in airplane and tree, whichi normally fallout of. held crow up for 3secs, hooray" — maymay, yesterday, 6:23 P.M.
thank you charity for noticing my little post :)
Submitted by maymay on 08.31.10 at 02:06.
What did they call airplane pose before airplanes?
Submitted by spindig on 09.01.10 at 01:56.