Keep trying my pull ups
skipped morning class and didn't have any plan for working out really. ended up in Muay Thai class later that night even though I never go on Friday nights! It was pretty fun and even did a pretty decent 2 mile run. Ate mad junk food after though. Some pull up training.
Bird's nest, yeah that's what I said!
Been fighting an on coming cold for days now...feeling run down but loading up on vitamins and now drinking bird's nest. yeah its a chinese thing.
8am Muay Thai class was all I could get done. Great padwork though.
YAY for flowy sequencing in yoga
Did a 2.5 mile run.
Yoga sub which was a nice treat bc I looooove the subber.
did some 15min of jump rope and hour of bag work with sit ups and push ups in between. worked on pull ups for a bit.
No clinching for lunch
A disappointing yoga class and lunch time Leg sparring
Happy is the man who is living by his hobby.
Sunday Night Spin
Time of Day:
* 60 minutes – Spin Class
Another week with a substitute teacher at spin. I thought her counting was off a little bit, but overall good workout. Hopefully it took care of some of the damage done this weekend!
4 out of 5
Time of Day:
* 45 minutes – Spin Class
I worked out 4 out of 5 days this week – not bad. I love getting workouts done in the morning.
Four Miles
Time of Day:
* 44 minutes on treadmill; intervals (details below); 4.0 miles
Struggled through this run, but felt great after it was over.
5 minutes @ 3 – 2 minute splits between 6.0 and 4.0
5 minutes @ 3 – 2 minute splits between 6.5 and 4.0
5 minutes @ 3 – 2 minute splits between 7.0 and 4.0
5 minutes @ 3 – 2 minute splits between 6.0 and 4.0
5 minutes @ 3 – 2 minute splits between 6.5 and 4.0
5 minutes @ 3 – 2 minute splits between 7.0 and 4.0
12 minutes of walking/running intervals between 4.0 and 7.5 and a change every 1 minute
2 minutes @ 3.5
60 Minute Spin
Time of Day:
* 60 minutes – Spin Class
The song for the hardest hill was a Bush song called “Mouth” that I love. I was sitting right next to the A/C and didn’t feel like I got sweaty at all.
Cardio Kickboxing
Went to the Y for the new Cardio Kickboxing class that took the place of my beloved Interval Training. Wasn't super thrilled with the class. I felt like I was trying to keep up with all the choreography more than actually doing the exercises. Gonna have to shake up my schedule so I can do some other class more regularly.
Bike Commute
Trying to make it to the protected bike lane by the time it's dark means getting up earlier. Eh.
Zumba Dance Party!
Time of Day:
* 60 minutes of Zumba Class
I love how the instructor introduced the class today as a dance party. There was just something cheesy enough about it that made me love it even more. There weren’t a ton of people in class today, but I liked that I had more room that way. I need to get back on lifting weights soon.
Yoga possibilities.
OH so I totally rested on Sunday. Like did nothing-at-all kind of rest. YUP.
Today I did my usual work out of Yoga and running. Was not in the mood to run today but didn't necessarily feel sore or tired. Yoga was great, 3 full pigeons in class today! I love it!! I am not in the place yet, where I am loving bound revolved triangle.
Rope burns and silk hammocks.
Lululemon X ishta yoga at 9am. Awesome!
12pm Muay Thai was pretty awesome then did silks for another 2 hours. Did lots of work in the sling and fell flat on my back several times. Also did the rope climb and got robe burn on the top of my foot. MEH.
Morning Run
Time of Day:
* 35 minutes on treadmill intervals (details below); 3.0 miles
Did the 5 minute warm up walk, which I haven't done in a super long time before my runs. I just really needed to wake up since I was at the gym before 9 this morning. I think it helped. I could have probably gone for longer, but I needed to get the day started, so did a quick 3 and left. Excellent way to start the morning.
5 minute warm up @ 3.1 - 3.5
5 minutes @ 3 – 2 minute splits between 6.0 and 4.0
5 minutes @ 3 – 2 minute splits between 6.5 and 4.0
5 minutes @ 3 – 2 minute splits between 7.0 and 4.0
5 minutes @ 3 – 2 minute splits between 6.0 and 4.0
5 minutes @ 3 – 2 minute splits between 6.5 and 4.0
5 minutes of walking/running intervals between 4.0 and 7.5 and a change every 1 minute
MMA Expo kind of sucked.
Took a GREAT Yoga class. Didn't do anything especially amazing in it, but it was much needed and felt great. Was given some new challenges on my crow pose and going to marinate on that for a while.
Took Muay Thai at noon. Long combos which I liked trying to do really really fast! While also remembering to cover my face. Such bad habits. Mainly when I do double hooks. MEH.
MMA expo sucked. Muay Thai fights were ok though.
Trust Your Instructors
Very, very productive trapeze class this morning. The instructors started out by telling me one specific thing to fix with my swing. Then I fixed it. Then we moved on to the next single specific thing to work on. Then they decided my take-off from the board was abysmal. So Hal went step by step and told me exactly what my feet, hips, shoulders, arms, eyeballs, and head should do during the take-off. Then he made me do it on the ground like a zillion times. I gotta be honest, it didn't FEEL that much better, but all 3 instructors told me I made really good progress, so I'll believe them. Maybe it doesn't feel perfectly awesome because my body isn't used to it, and clearly what it was used to was the wrong thing to do, so maybe not feeling comfortable with it is a good thing. New mission: make the right things feel right.
Then I walked home. From 30th between 10th & 11th to 94th & 3rd. Apparently its 4.5 miles. Did it in 1 hour 10 minutes. It was a BEAUTIFUL day for November in NYC, so I couldn't resist. Also, walked from the 6 train to Trapeze school before class. That was 20 minutes of walking. Now I'm uber sore. And exhausted.