
One Year of Social Workout, One Year of Change

Time of Day:

* 45 minutes – Spin Class

One year ago today I found and joined Social Workout and signed up for the “Eat.Sweat.Blog.” Challenge.   I was clearly smitten, and have been here ever since!  I’ve learned and continue to learn so much from Social Workout and other bloggers here and have found it to be a great way to keep track of my workouts.  The various challenges have made me try things I may not have otherwise.  Through the year, I’ve posted about non-workout things on Social Workout as well.  It’s fun to look back and see all the progress and change.

October 2009 to October 2010 has truly been a year of transformation:

• Starting graduate school and successfully balancing it with a full time job
• Hard decisions, but right decisions
• Blessings in disguise – I could seriously write a book on this about the past year
• Focusing on myself
• Trying things outside of my comfort zone
• New friendships and letting go of others
• Moving
• Working out regularly
• Trying new workouts - interval running, yoga, zumba, boot camp, and my latest favorite, spin
• Learning more than I ever knew about nutrition
• New beginnings

I know most people have moved to the new SW, but I can’t let go of the blog – its become such a regular daily thing for me. 

Spin was good this morning, really good music.  Glad I got out of bed even though it was a rainy and dark morning.

Workout Date: 
Fri, 10/01/2010 (All day)


Yay! It's one year for me, too! I always enjoy your posts.

andrealc23's picture

Happy Anniversary! Thank you for all your thoughtful posts. It's nice to see you're still here; I really love your commitment to the blog -- I think many of us will always regard the blog like a first love.

spindig's picture

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Good for you and all the positive change.  I myself don't do well with change, but you are clearly proof that it can be a good thing :-) 

yeahredgymnast's picture

Thank you!! =) 

starry04's picture

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