
Sweatsville, U.S.A.

Did my 2 miler before Yoga class. Holy sweatsville...I am sweating everywhere lately. Like I want to mop up my mat after every class. Anyways...I should be practicing more, bc I really see the difference it made that I practiced 6 days last week. So, obviously the whole Jury Doodie thing is not making it easy for me this week.

Last night I schlepped myself to Capoeira class! YAY. What a fun and challenging class though I must admit her conditioning/warm up was not as hard as usual. Lots of rasteira's and negativa's which I personally love, but found a bit confusing when I did reverse negativa. 2 hours of that and I tell you my entire sports bra and tshirt were completely sweated through...not one dry spot. And my legs are all shot...feeling like jelly.

Where (gym, studio, etc.): : 
Workout Date: 
Wed, 07/21/2010 (All day)

Tags: CapoeiraYoga

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