
Intentional Walk

It's fuzzy now, the details. But I got home from work quite late, certainly too late for a workout. Also, I hadn't eaten. But I was home -- perhaps it was about 9:30PM. So I went for a walk. I walked over to the river, and down to the Chirstopher St. piers. Went out on the pier and looked out at New Jersey, and then back at Manhattan. It was cold, and mostly deserted. Which was nice. I saw a woman running with an awkward, loping stride. I did some half push ups against the railing. And then I walked home. I'm going to count it, though "workout" is a stretch. It was certainly an intentional time out, involving the body. And after I did feel better. 

Where (gym, studio, etc.): : 
Workout Date: 
Mon, 12/14/2009 (All day)

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