half moon


Spa Bootcamp in Jamaica

  • What: Girlfriends Fit Club, which consists of daily boot camp, daily guided meditation, an "Art of Bathing" class, afternoon tea, and heated seashell massages.
  • Where: The Half Moon Resort in Jamaica
  • When: April 18 - 24, 2010
Half Moon (via <a href="http://www.halfmoon.com">halfmoon</a>)

Charity D. said "

The resort isn't girls only -- there will be lots of people there ..." More comments...


November Starts Off With a 2 Hour Butt-Kicker. Also, I Got a Book!

After taking Sunday off to recover from all the bad food I had eaten at the Halloween Party on Saturday, I wanted today to really kick things back into high gear.  So I ended up doing 30 minutes of weights, followed by 90 minutes of Hot Yoga.

Where (gym, studio, etc.): : 
Classes Taken: 
If/When I visit Manhatten, I'm now prepared for culinary adventuring.  :o)
Workout Date: 
Mon, 11/02/2009 (All day)

sandyliz said "

awesome photo!

and as they haven't made an announcement, i ..." More comments...

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