
Spa Bootcamp in Jamaica

  • What: Girlfriends Fit Club, which consists of daily boot camp, daily guided meditation, an "Art of Bathing" class, afternoon tea, and heated seashell massages.
  • Where: The Half Moon Resort in Jamaica
  • When: April 18 - 24, 2010
  • Why: All-inclusive and surprisingly affordable, this trip gets you out of town during the cruelest month. And while Half Moon Resort promises to be luxurious, the bootcamp component keeps "luxurious" from devolving into "bad for you."
  • How Much: Starts at $635 for double occupancy. Includes all meals, drinks, and unlimited use of the fitness center, paddle-boats and kayaks.
  • Link: Girlfriends Fit Club


Half Moon (via <a href="">halfmoon</a>)


wow..... this is like a dream i want to walk right into ::sigh::

SeryiStar's picture

Uhhh is it girls only?

runleenarun's picture

The resort isn't girls only -- there will be lots of people there golfing and swimming and generally doing what people do at resorts -- but the "girlfriends fit club" components (bootcamp, art of bathing, etc.) are female only.

Charity D.'s picture

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