
Spin Class Pregnancy Confusion

The scene: Friday afternoon spin class. The players: Spin Instructor; Whackadoo

Instructor: Is anyone new, injured, or pregnant?
Whackadoo (sitting front and center in gray cotton biker shorts and a sports bra): I'm new.

Instructor gets off bike and proceeds to adjust Whackadoo's bike for her and tell her about hand positioning.  A few minutes pass and class begins warm-up.

Instructor: Increase resistance to moderate, this will feel like your bike as a kid before you had gears.
Whackadoo: What if I'm pregnant?
Instructor: Are you pregnant?
Whackadoo: I don't know.
Instructor: Okay, well if it's still early you don't really need too much adjusting in regard to positioning, but you'll want to monitor your heart rate and avoid getting into the 80%+ zone.
Whackaddo: If I'm not pregnant?
Instructor: Then just keep on going like you're going.

A few minutes pass, a pretty easy ride ensues.  Whackadoo dismounts her bike and stands in front of instructor and proceeds to do downward facing dog.

Instructor: Are you okay?
Whackadoo: Just stretching?
Instructor: Uh, okay...



Love the crazy!

michlny's picture

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