
I.AM.YOU Miami Weekend Escape

  • Who: Lauren Imparato of I.AM.YOU Studio
  • What: A weekend of yoga on the dock of the Standard Hotel in Miami, overlooking the water, with DJ-ed yoga on Saturday night.
  • Why: Home of thongs, Jell-O shots, and stilettos, can Miami also be the home of thoughtful yoga? Banker-turned Yogi Lauren Imparato thinks so. The Standard is a notably chill spot a mile from the craziness of Miami Beach. If you're looking for silent macrobiotic meditation, maybe you should go to the Berkshires, but if you're looking for a sunny, healthy spring break for grown ups, you've found your retreat.
  • When: March 19 -21, 2010
  • Where: The Standard Hotel in Miami, Florida
  • How Much: $585 double occupancy
  • Link: I.AM.YOU Studio; email for details.


The Standard (via <a href="">standardhotels</a>)

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