
Tuesday Iron Body Cardio Comedy

A. rescheduled our 5:30PM, so I shot up to the 19th Street Equinox, scanned the next available class, and discovered it was "Iron Body Cardio." Sure. Enter the room and it's about eight women, all clutching kettlebells, and Amanda Young, Asian American instructor with headset and firm, but friendly, bemused attitude. Only spot available is front and center. What ensues is a series of exercises that seemed initially scientifically crafted to throw out the lower back of a tall, stiff, white male. Bending over, we swung the kettlebell between our legs, and then hoisted it over our head. Yes, Amanda explained we should be using our hips, thrusting, to lift the weight; but, in practice, the strain on my lower back was notable. The swing gave way to the clean, and then military presses, and painfull awkward side bands with hoisted weight. Very early on Amanda looked at the weight I had chosen and suggested I get a bigger one. This was embarrassing, and all the more so when I was forced to switch back to the toddler weight -- in front of all the girls. (Look, they were using smaller weights too.) In any event, we did all manner of squats and swinging hoists and presses, and as soon as a half hour after class I could already feel the spain settle into my muscles. BUT, I must say, I DID NOT throw out my back, and the workout was almost certainly hugely strength building for my glutes and back. I'm not sure I would do it again, but a somehwat shorter person with strong core might love it.




  • Water
  • D&D Granola, Cinammon, Raisins, Walnuts
  • Fruit Salad


  • D&D Bussel Sprouts
  • Spinach
  • Water


  • Water
  • Boqueria Spinach
  • Peppers
  • Olives
  • Norwood Mushroom Ravioli
Where (gym, studio, etc.): : 
Workout Date: 
Tue, 10/20/2009 (All day)

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