
Spin Plus Day Four of Unsweetened Just Water Caffeine Free Go Veggie....

Katie B. and I met up with the Equinox crew at 6PM to do a walk through for the 11/4 party. After, I slipped into Shaina Manning's one hour spin class. She was a bit strident and screechy, but certainly full of energy. Lot's of "Go faster," and "Give it all," and I wasn't overly impressed. I will say, she's a gorgeous woman, with farah fawcett hair and amazing phsyique, and she peddled alot of the class with us. But I'm always critical when the spin cadence isn't tuned to the songs; or the set continues when the song ends, etc. I had to got at the 45 minute mark, but fit in three sets of push ups and situps with Katie before heading home....



  • Water
  • D&D Granola, Raisins, Cinnamon, Banana
  • Apple


  • Water
  • Dosa, Indian potatos, avocado, at Hampton Chutney with Curry Chutney, and some mango chutney which was dubious due to potential sugar content. 


  • Salad
  • Avocado
  • Toast with Olive Oil
  • Cream of Broccoli Soup (No dairy)
Where (gym, studio, etc.): : 
Workout Date: 
Wed, 10/28/2009 (All day)

Tags: flogSpinning

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