
Last Crazy Day: Just Water, Unsweetened, Raw, Brightly Colored, Localvore....

Woke up and inadvertently had a dry piece of whole grain toast. I plan to ignore that. Headed to the farmers market at Abington Park to hunt and gather. Filled bags with apples of two varieties, as well as local lima beans, a box of amazing grapes, and purple/black/yellow string beans. Also a green pepper. All local. All raw. All colorful. Ate an apple and went directly to LifeThyme, where I spent an extended period of time staring at the raw food rack and checking the packaging for an address to determine its local credentials. Realized joyfully, that I had started No Moo on Saturday morning, and so could actually eat dairy. Purchased a plain siggi's, some raw new york organic cheese, kale chips, raw local granola and muesli (score!), as well as some raw peanut butter (double score) and red saurkraut of some sort which I never consumed. Came to the office and photographed my loot. See image. I count this all as brithdly colored as I arrayed them in different ways, though I will acknowledge that I didn't use a plate at all times, and nibbled throughout the day.

Arrived at L&L's house pre-halloween, declined a cocktail in favor of water, and did my workout on Lyle's backyard dips, abs, pull ups rack. And his outdoor bench press. Did three sets of 11 each, and misc. other stuff as people put on their costumes. ALso a round of 25 pushups in there somewhere. It was truly a social workout. Ate more kale chips, grapes, cheese, muesli. Got on Evel Knievel costume. Bicycled in the rain holding umbrella and raw, local, brightly colored food to Tribeca singing Empire by JayZ.

At second pre-party, I shucked the green beans and presented bowls of beans and raw muesli to complement the pizza on offer. Drank water. Slipped the raw local cheese onto cheese plate (with cheeses of uncertain provenance.) Worked on moonwalk with Axle of Axle Rose fame. Talked to Jack Nicholson, of the Shining Fame about the genius of Stanley Kubrick. Double rode Pink from Tribeca to East Village.

At this point it was well past midnight, and we had entered an Irish Bar. I was convinced to order a Brooklyn Lager. Technnically, I had been On the Wagon for a week since my last drink was around midnight the previous Saturday. Still, I felt safer going with a local beer. Will not recount the rest of the evening, except to say there was more dancing, and much, much later a return to the kale chips and granola!

Helluva a halloween. AND, drum roll, so my feat count stands at 10! Hurrah!

Go Veggie. Check.

Soda Free. Check

(Not counting Fast Foodless due to at least one hasty trip to Chipotle.)

Unsweetened. Check.

Just Water. Check.

No-Moo. Check.

Flog. Check. (Barely)

Caffeine Free. Check.

Localvore. Check.

Brightly Colored. Check.

Raw Food Day. Check.



Workout Date: 
Sat, 10/31/2009 (All day)


10 feats! yay! sounds like an excellent halloween. i love reading your workout posts, so stop trying to hide them!

CJ's picture

Yeah, more workout posts! and Yay! Feats Accompli? Is this your first completed Challenge? Did you offer Jack a green bean? (My favorites are the purple ones, cooked, though they turn green when cooked. They have a nuttier flavor than the oh-so-regular green.)

spindig's picture

GREEN BEANS! they have purple green beans!!! Ummmm this is more excited that purple nail polish. I'm so excited! I need them right now- slather on the olive oil and garlic sauce- this sounds like something that might make me delirious!

Ps. Go Oliver !!! We need to give you your prize soon as we think of a worthy one!

sassletics82's picture

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