
Friday 5 Rhythms and Lifethyme Part I

Tagged along with Sascha again to Tami's 5 Rythmns class at the Joffrey. Once again I felt weird and awkward at first, but then got into it. Priceless moment watching the joy on some of the dancers faces. The rational part of my brain still arguing that I should use that time to do something like salsa, where I can "improve," but the release and communal feeling is powerful.


  • Water
  • Oatmeal, raisins, cinnamon from place next to Kinkos
  • 1/4 dixie cup of homemade beer!
  • Indian Food left in the office: nan, chick peas, peppers, etc.
  • Post dancing, stopped at LifeThyme and got some veggie stuff from the buffet. Stewed carrots, beans, brown rice, kale.
Where (gym, studio, etc.): : 
Classes Taken: 
Workout Date: 
Fri, 10/30/2009 (All day)

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