
Down To The Wire

Crawling past the Eat.Sweat.Blog finish line.

Friday night met msh258 at Crunch and proceeded to have a rowing machine race. She beat me by ONE stroke. I demand a re-do. We also did some headstands which are really hard if you keep laughing at each other. Ate some pumpkin to finish my last SWeAT.

Saturday I ate brightly colored. It's easier when meals are accompanied by bags of brightly colored m&ms and skittles.Kidding, there were carrots, tomatoes, lettuce, pumpkin, eggs, hummus, tuna, and falafel involved, but the winner of the night was indeed all the candy.

Cooked a meal, avoided soda and fast food, one final kitchen inventory to figure out my meals for the upcoming week.

Congrats to all my Challenge Teammates who have also made it past the finish line. Now off to watch the marathoners~ woot!

Where (gym, studio, etc.): : 
Workout Date: 
Fri, 10/30/2009 (All day)


Bravo General Heros! Crossing the finish line together. Beautiful.

Oliver's picture

good job!

sandyliz's picture

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