10 pm workout, aka, multitasking to the extreme, aka embarrassing my roommate while wearing crazy socks in the living room and lifting weights
The dark horse feat of this month was by far the smoothiest challenge. I just never crave a smoothie, so was making them when I was already full, or already cold, or both. But I did it. Yesterday finished up the bag of frozen berries, some yogurt and a banana (even the orange juice I'd bought for this challenge went bad so I chucked it in my fridge cleaning mania the day before).
I also finished the SWeAT feat yesterday-- ate some yummy carrot chutney with my cheese and crackers for Snack and then did the Killer Abs and Back Workout at 10 pm. Why 10? Because I personal cheffed some apple bread to take to my film discussion group and then had to go buy cat food so I didn't get back home until nearly 10. But I also put in some laundry while exercising. I bet my roommate thinks I'm a nut case.
Just one more personal chef and I'm also planning on volunteering at the Food Bank on Saturday. My 4 monthlong feats are going strong-- vegetarian, soda free, no late night snacking and fastfoodless.
great work! and I'm happy to know i'm not the only one who isn't a huge smoothie lover. espcially when it's getting cold out.
Submitted by sandyliz on 10.29.09 at 10:18.