Live Big

On Living Well

Fear less, hope more, eat less, chew more, whine less, breathe more, talk less, say more, hate less, love more, and good things will be yours.

Swedish Proverb


Keas Raises $6.5 Million

Keas, the corporate health challenge game founded by Adam Bosworth, has raised $6.5 million dollars from Atlas Ventures out of Boston and Ignition Capital in Seattle. This comes just a few weeks after Runkeeper raised $10 million, and suggests that the social wellness trendlet is becoming a boomlet. Or just a plain boom. 

A Kea (Via <a href="">Martin Thum</a>.)

Diet Intervention

Celebrity Diets

Have you made a personal goal to keep a food journal? Diet experts rate them as one of the most effective ways to lose weight. Need inspiration? Look to my favorite food blog, Grub Street Diet from New York Magazine.   Every week a celebrity, restaurateur or well known foodie shares what he or she eats from Friday morning to Wednesday night.


Fit & Trendy

Trendy Fitness 2012

The American Council of excercise came out with a report on the top fitness trends in 2012. It's no surprise that tech-fueled workouts make the list; mobile-based apps and social media.  As if you needed one more reason to use Social Workout.  

Photo from <A href="" flickr </A>


A Creature of Habit

We are at the start of Christmas week and that means the end of the year is just around the corner. For me, New Year's means a big party and then waking up to a new year and a whole new set of resolutions. It is commonly thought that it takes 21 days to create a habit. Wake before 6am, run for 30 minutes, drink green juice for 21 days and *bam* you've got a healthy habit.


A Green Gene

The Guardian has an interesting little article on the "brussel sprouts gene."


adwardLL said "

Thanks and happy new year.

" More comments...

Mathematically Fit

Lots of online companies these days use algorithms. Think Amazon for how they produce "you also might like"  recommendations and E-harmony's success at matching romantic partners.  Well, now online fitness websites are using algorithms to personalize workout programs. 


Uncle Sam Challenge: Fitness and Technology App

Last week, the U.S. Surgeon General launched a competition to find the best new health and fitness app.  (I kinda think garden-loving, fitness-focused Michele had something to do with this?)


Girls vs Boys

Take a close look at the top fitness tracking and networking sites and you'll quickly notice some similarities.  I'll give you some hints. Take note of the blue and black color scheme on RunKeeper, Traineo and Fitocracy.

Image from Flickr

New Motivation

Here at Social Workout, we know we aren't the only people in the business of building a virtual space to help people live their best.  Check out

Image from Flickr

First Post

Keep it Simple

It is nearly mid-December; the time of the year when booze, office Christmas cookies, ham sandwhiches and eggnog sneak their way into our diets. The media takes this opportunity to run advice articles on how to ward off the fattening, slothful season. Walk to work this month, drink a green juice once a day, take the stairs more often...etc.


Oliver said "

Love it. SW Welcomes a. bryce to the site!

" More comments...


A Holiday Challenge Invite

December is when we eat and sit, and skip the gym, and wear loose knits.
Will you become a snarling mess, or land in Jan at your tip top best?
Listen up and please fear not, you can party and not go to pot!
All you need to keep you fit is "Tis the Season to Stick with It!"
A challenge to hold the bloat at bay: We ask for exercise every day.
You can do it, and you just might like, plus you could win a recumbent bike!
Yes, stocking stuffers and zero fee, so join and bring a friend or three!

Fine holiday challenges brought to you by Social Workout with Spirit Fitness and Everyday Health.


New York Companies Use Social Media and Corporate Rivalry to Lose Weight

Move over corporate softball league! New York City companies are using Social Workout to boost corporate wellness in the first-ever public, inter-company, virtual fitness challenge.


Wake Up Call

Consider Nothing Impossible

The most important thing in life is to stop saying 'I wish' and start saying 'I will.' Consider nothing impossible, then treat possibilities as probabilities.

~ Charles Dickens

Image: <a href="">Nangreaves, England</a>.

davidvorner said "

Doesn't everyone want to be a bit fitter with more money in their ..." More comments...

Wake Up Call

Jump In!

"To do anything truly worth doing, I must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in with gusto and scramble through as well as I can." ~ Og Mandino 

Image via <a href="">Flickr</a>


Social Workout-ers Are So Responsible And Yet So Daring

Success comes from the regular practice of good habits. Recently, Social Workout users wanted to trapeze occasionally, correspond the old-fashioned way, and make time for a classic constitutional. Such admirable aspirations!

Image via <a href="">Flickr</a>

adwardLL said "

Thanks and happy new year.

" More comments...

Wake Up Call

Refresh Yourself

“Rest when you're weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work.” ~ Ralph Marston

<a href="">Cooling Off</a>

Wake Up Call

On Progress

Sometimes you don't think you're progressing until you step back and see how high you've really gone. ~ Donny Osmond 

<a href="">Climbing Up From Water Canyon</a>

On Aspirations

"Our aspirations are our possibilities." ~ Samuel Johnson 

<a href="">Almost There, Day 308 of 365</a>

Wake Up Call

Beyond Wild

 Nobody succeeds beyond his or her wildest expectations unless he or she begins with some wild expectations. ~ Ralph Ch

Image via <a href="">Flickr</a>

backgrounds101 said "


I happen to run a similar blog. I just wanted to
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