
Stocking Stuffer

Many people contributed feats for our Emergency Holiday Challenge, and some of the best ideas didn't make it on to the final list; NOT for lack of brilliance, but rather for technical and/or practical reasons. Well, here's your chance to complete your dream feat. Maybe you want to make latkes and exercise your lats, or create an exercise regimen based on the 12 Days of Christmas song. Go to town. Tell us all about it.

The challenge this feat relates to: 
Instructions: Login or Register to complete a feat! Swear that you're honest, then click!

Authored on 11.19.09 at 11:03 by Oliver.


User Date & Time
lizh 09:27 11/27/2009
Mr. Mohawk 10:54 12/03/2009
whatodds 13:57 12/24/2009
spindig 22:00 12/24/2009
shaynet 19:10 12/25/2009
seshat 13:12 12/28/2009
sassletics82 23:34 12/28/2009
kornflowers 11:18 12/29/2009
mo rizzle 16:07 12/29/2009
twinklefee 18:08 12/29/2009
starry04 16:49 12/30/2009
princessmichelle 13:46 12/31/2009
andrealc23 15:45 12/31/2009
msh258 18:32 12/31/2009
Fraidy 18:47 12/31/2009
liz 10:07 01/01/2010
killercadoogan 10:29 01/01/2010
reganh 10:47 01/01/2010
CakeOrDeath 17:59 01/01/2010
CJ 12:45 01/09/2010

Stocking Stuffer Related Posts


12 Days of xmas is creativity at the max. I love it.

sassletics82's picture

Finished my 12 days of hot yoga today, each taught by a different instructor.

spindig's picture

My stocking stuffer: to make at least three of my Christmas gifts! Done, done, and done! (Homemade chocolates and truffles, if anyone's interested!)

shaynet's picture

Stocking stuffer: Wake up early (like it's christmas morn) and get to the gym to do cardio.... Will wrap this baby up by next wed...

kornflowers's picture

my cooking real dinner at least once a week! yay!!! STILL have vegan chili...moving it to the freezer now

sassletics82's picture

Weekend abs DONE!

mo rizzle's picture

10 collective miles run (actually closer to 13 now). Yea!

twinklefee's picture

no booze from Nov 26 on...almost there.  This is basically the only feat I did during this challenge, but it was a big one for me, particularly during xmas. Yippee!!

kathleen_m's picture

I'm claiming this one as my stocking stuffer:

"What about a make your own gift challenege? At least one gift is to be created, not shop-bought...CDs, cross stitch, scarves, t-shirt prints...that kinda thing."

I made 2 pairs of pants for my mom, and I made all of our holiday cards (even the envelopes!)

princessmichelle's picture

When I came home for Christmas, my mom said, "I've never walked up Nike Hill [big-ass hill near her house] and would like to do that." So this morning, the last day of the year, we did it together!  We took the dog and it took 30 minutes round trip.

andrealc23's picture

worked out every day while in maine, for the duration of the challenge, without access to a gym. yay for making home workouts happen!

msh258's picture

I decided my stocking stuffer was getting rid of my unlimited metrocard and walking more.

Fraidy's picture

Also working out for 16 consecutive days (tomorrow will be 17)

Fraidy's picture

I hit the weight-loss goal I set for myself at the start of the challenge!

reganh's picture

Warning: Table './sowoblog_live/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:341:\"Table './sowoblog_live/accesslog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired\nquery: INSERT INTO accesslog (title, path, url, hostname, uid, sid, timer, timestamp) values('Stocking Stuffer', 'node/18888', '', '', 0, '4285d21279c2b1ce93b8b26119831708', 25244, 1733231598)\";s:5:\"%file\";s:63:\"/home/sowoblog/public_html/modules/statistics/statistics.module\";s:5:\"%line\";i:63;}', 3, '', 'http://sowoko.com/feat/stocking-stuffer', '', in /home/sowoblog/public_html/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135