
Love Soul

One hour of soul! You may come to this category with some skepticism. Even if you grant us some the existence of some vaguely defined notion of "soul," as distinct from mind and body (or belly), you would be right to wonder how exactly we suggest such a thing can be trained. Let's not argue. What we're looking for here is the feeling you might have while standing in the Nevada desert at dawn, or sitting quietly at the center of any very large space, or chanting Om in unision with 100 others at a killer yoga class. You know it when you feel it. And the more you feel it, the easier it is to feel. So to achieve this feet, you must get yourself into just such a situation, and soak it in:

  • Step 1: Think of something you would find wildly spiritual.
  • Step 2: Go there, alone or with a friend, family member, or lover.
  • Step 3: Be there.
  • Step 4. Repeat as necessary. Consider an hour (cumulative) to be your target.
  • Step 5: Share as appropriate.

Go back to the The Love Challenge Progress Page!

The challenge this feat relates to: 
Instructions: Login or Register to complete a feat! Swear that you're honest, then click!

Authored on 02.09.10 at 08:26 by Oliver.


User Date & Time
runleenarun 20:19 02/12/2010
gotigers2003 22:29 02/13/2010
seshat 12:22 02/15/2010
sandyliz 15:56 02/15/2010
smiles1024 19:04 02/15/2010
babarbanel 21:01 02/15/2010
konstanzepr31 15:51 02/16/2010
jan1965 15:48 02/17/2010
MakeItHappen 22:13 02/17/2010
FatBottomSlim 23:50 02/17/2010
NicoledeB 00:47 02/18/2010
volcane09 07:59 02/18/2010
liz 16:24 02/18/2010
lovelylisa 19:34 02/18/2010
lhlady517 20:03 02/18/2010
CJ 23:30 02/18/2010
msh258 10:02 02/19/2010
chococat 12:29 02/19/2010
sassletics82 01:25 02/20/2010
urbansherpa 19:54 02/20/2010
joesgirl 22:14 02/20/2010
Fraidy 00:10 02/21/2010
kornflowers 10:13 02/21/2010
Butwhatifido 12:46 02/21/2010
miacometbather 13:15 02/21/2010
mo rizzle 13:19 02/21/2010
ann.witulski 18:36 02/21/2010
Llaves 19:02 02/21/2010
aat8 19:15 02/21/2010
ADRIANA 19:29 02/21/2010
100Pounds 20:14 02/21/2010
moniq68 20:36 02/21/2010
Matty_G_Fresh 23:13 02/21/2010
zuzupetals 23:37 02/21/2010
shaynet 08:49 02/22/2010
spindig 12:14 02/22/2010
FrogOmnibus 13:35 02/22/2010
whatodds 13:35 02/22/2010
vonhottie 14:39 02/22/2010
twinklefee 17:31 02/22/2010
oiwuc 22:50 02/22/2010
Charity D. 12:53 02/23/2010
rachelnyc 00:13 02/24/2010
Oliver 13:06 02/24/2010

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I was so expecting this one to be the hardest, but BAM! right out of the gate.  Whoo!!

runleenarun's picture

Using this marvelous love challenge to practice daily meditation. This will be the season to slow down and listen to my soul. I'm trying to not be so rushed, be a good listener, and be comfortable with the silences. Just prior to learning about this challenge I decided that I'd spend more time practicing patience. I want to be receptive to life's big surprises, and for me, that will be through silence and patience. Wish me luck!

lovelylisa's picture

Warning: Table './sowoblog_live/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:334:\"Table './sowoblog_live/accesslog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired\nquery: INSERT INTO accesslog (title, path, url, hostname, uid, sid, timer, timestamp) values('Love Soul', 'node/28936', '', '', 0, 'db7dcf93cd5904e3482a335d3a37b821', 23601, 1733230339)\";s:5:\"%file\";s:63:\"/home/sowoblog/public_html/modules/statistics/statistics.module\";s:5:\"%line\";i:63;}', 3, '', 'http://sowoko.com/feat/love-soul', '', '18.97.14 in /home/sowoblog/public_html/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135