
Fast Foodless

The wonders of free market capitalism have made certain tasty-but-not-particularly-healthy food experiences exceptionally cheap and convenient. But overreliance on big, national fast food chains isn't particularly healthy, for anyone. Just ask Morgan Spurlock. To complete this feat then, you agree to go the extra half mile to find the non-Big Mac option.

OK, what exactly do we mean by fast food. Clearly, the usual suspects are off limits: McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's etc. But what about your local pizza parlor or Chipotle or the microwave hot dog at 7-Eleven? Answer: You will have to exercise some judgement. To complete this feat, you must find a way to honor each meal. The things to avoid are blatantly lazy restaurant choices, typically involving large franchising corporations, and/or otherwise featuring instant gratification with food sources that you wouldn't want to take home to Mom. Don't panic. There's alwasy another option. If you're living in New York, you might check out this Yelp page, and/or Clean Plates NYC for fast food alternatives.


The challenge this feat relates to: 
Instructions: Login or Register to complete a feat! Swear that you're honest, then click!

Authored on 09.17.09 at 11:17 by qasimvirjee.


User Date & Time
michlny 09:37 09/25/2009
VeganDiva 13:28 09/28/2009
Shanehill 22:32 09/28/2009
sara.cougill 12:01 09/29/2009
Laurelie 13:46 09/29/2009
eunonymous 15:59 09/29/2009
DianaLeahWilson 20:55 09/29/2009
luisac 06:35 09/30/2009
carmenitak 12:12 09/30/2009
reganh 20:43 09/30/2009
hpdrury 21:55 09/30/2009
sugababy60 02:40 10/01/2009
nongsa82 10:10 10/01/2009
potluckorchard 11:03 10/01/2009
Thygatromedea 12:40 10/01/2009
magdalenamc 13:29 10/01/2009
jenniechris 15:06 10/01/2009
ellalopez 20:34 10/01/2009
kriloucra 20:44 10/01/2009
flynn 21:33 10/01/2009
chessqueen84 22:40 10/01/2009
srmcdo 09:41 10/02/2009
lawchick1122 20:37 10/02/2009
mreynolds 16:38 10/03/2009
lahaha 12:39 10/04/2009
kornflowers 11:10 10/05/2009
applepie 15:28 10/05/2009
ccurrie 10:11 10/06/2009
kvb214 10:56 10/06/2009
camillamarie 13:28 10/06/2009
indigojones 10:24 10/08/2009
bg 10:10 10/09/2009
smoores 01:42 10/10/2009
mazurake 23:36 10/11/2009
salsamamita 18:42 10/12/2009
MarisaVH 23:42 10/14/2009
oiwuc 20:17 10/15/2009
benjamin 09:42 10/16/2009
femlafrog 09:54 10/20/2009
Julie_savvyeats 10:33 10/28/2009
alicebradley 10:59 10/29/2009
muzzle32 07:09 10/30/2009
princessmichelle 09:14 10/30/2009
shaynet 16:21 10/30/2009
meanyc 17:07 10/30/2009
rennifer84 17:24 10/30/2009
swell1 03:53 10/31/2009
keriW 07:06 10/31/2009
hktexan 07:25 10/31/2009
oh_totally 07:52 10/31/2009
tlp 08:27 10/31/2009
gleam 11:32 10/31/2009
sassletics82 12:03 10/31/2009
katiem 12:48 10/31/2009
Butwhatifido 12:49 10/31/2009
seshat 13:58 10/31/2009
andrealc23 14:28 10/31/2009
anitak 16:04 10/31/2009
H2Ownage 16:34 10/31/2009
meggiep 17:39 10/31/2009
vonhottie 17:59 10/31/2009
Sardonic 18:08 10/31/2009
killercadoogan 18:09 10/31/2009
babarbanel 19:02 10/31/2009
liz 19:27 10/31/2009
sandyliz 01:30 11/01/2009
rahree 07:42 11/01/2009
@HereNow 07:49 11/01/2009
f. pamplemousse 09:21 11/01/2009
CJ 10:29 11/01/2009
flashgordonsoap 11:37 11/01/2009
msh258 13:57 11/01/2009
spindig 14:16 11/01/2009
bene 14:34 11/01/2009
ADRIANA 15:57 11/01/2009
urbansherpa 18:53 11/01/2009
starry04 07:50 11/02/2009
lizh 09:45 11/02/2009
mo rizzle 10:04 11/02/2009
br 11:20 11/02/2009
maebee 12:23 11/03/2009
PhotogAmanda 13:46 11/03/2009
pinxi 23:25 11/23/2009
CaraEC 15:26 12/01/2009
ALKings10 17:53 12/04/2009
fwe003 13:36 01/18/2010
Lucinda H. 08:28 01/26/2010
librarianjess 16:12 01/28/2010
FrogOmnibus 13:23 01/29/2010
Joe M 13:56 02/05/2010

Fast Foodless Related Posts


Fast food? Never.

VeganDiva's picture

As I seldom eat fastfood in the first place this feels like an easy win.

luisac's picture

Can proudly say I've never eaten anything from Mickie-D's other than their softserve vanilla ice-cream.

ellalopez's picture

I cook all my meals so this was easy.

chessqueen84's picture

How can 25 people have completed this by October 4th?

sneathd's picture

Never eat McD's or BK or Wendy's or any of that junk... Never!

kornflowers's picture

How long do you have to go without eating any type of fast food? The rest of the month, or Forever?? I will admit, I am a Personal Trainer, but still i like to indulge every once in a while. I'm HUMAN!

lacypt's picture

for the month of october.

msh258's picture

Got a pin from a friend a long time ago that said... Mc S*&t. That about sums it up. Grew up on this stuff for sure, but when you hear that there are 15 some odd ingredients in a McNugget... something seems a little wrong with that logic. 

meanyc's picture

Completed.  Interestingly I has a 'shroom burger and cheese fries at Shake Shack last night.  Delicious.  I can't consider that as fast food.

@HereNow's picture

I ate a frosty this morning because I've been craving it for WEEKS.  But today is the 1st, so I made it :)

ADRIANA's picture

I don't eat fast food. It always makes me feel ill.

FrogOmnibus's picture

Warning: Table './sowoblog_live/watchdog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', '%message in %file on line %line.', 'a:4:{s:6:\"%error\";s:12:\"user warning\";s:8:\"%message\";s:338:\"Table './sowoblog_live/accesslog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired\nquery: INSERT INTO accesslog (title, path, url, hostname, uid, sid, timer, timestamp) values('Fast Foodless', 'node/12659', '', '', 0, 'd11b61d849b34fafd99c2d1af466c324', 29778, 1733234893)\";s:5:\"%file\";s:63:\"/home/sowoblog/public_html/modules/statistics/statistics.module\";s:5:\"%line\";i:63;}', 3, '', 'http://sowoko.com/feat/fast-foodless', '', ' in /home/sowoblog/public_html/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135