Welcome to Eat.Sweat.Blog!
October 1st - 31st. Our latest experiment in massive collective healthiness.
So glad you're here. Eat.Sweat.Blog is the fourth Social Workout challenge, and the first ever focused on healthy eating. Our mission, as always, is to fight back against the urban grind — the overworking and undersleeping, the serial restauranting, heavy cocktailing, and missed gym dates, not to mention the creeping cigarette or caffeine habits.
The city is like a giant buffet: Fabulous, and easy to abuse. Staying in touch with body and mind is absolutely possible, but it requires some effort, and vigilance. We've found that setting goals helps a lot, as does a bit of group energy and inspiration. We've got your back. Here's how it works:
Join Social Workout, (if you haven't already.) It's absolutely free, entirely safe, and we'll give you a nifty personal page complete with workout tracking capabilities.
Sign up for the challenge. This means you're committing to getting exercise on at least 20 days in October, AND to completing 10 of our 22 feats of healthy eating. (See list at right.) Piece of cake!
Track your progress by "blogging" your workouts. (For simple instructions on how to create a "workout post," and examples, see here.) To "achieve" a feat, you simply go to that feat page, and click "Feat Accompli!" Very satisfying. Want to see how you're doing relative to everyone else? Check out the challenge Stats page.
Feel great, look amazing, win prizes, and save the world! Your health is your greatest award, but to push things along a little we've sweetened the pot. For the first 100 challengers who sign up, Whole Foods Market will donate $20 to City Harvest, the world's first food rescue program.
What constitutes a workout? And who will see your posts? And can I post more than one workout a day? The answers: 1.) You tell us, and 2.) Everyone, 3.) No, and 4.) Look here for answers to these and other frequently asked questions!
Working Out In Heels
I won't count the adrenaline rush of the interview, but I *will* count the two hours of walking around I did afterwards! (And fricking ow, my toes.)
Catching Up
Oh, man. Back from New York, and while my feat-doing stayed on track, my blogging...did not. So, about to type in about a week and a half of belated workouts--hideously boring for the rest of the community I'm sure, but I want my credit for those workouts, damn it!!
An Unenthused Yahoo! -- Bosu Workout Review
I generally spend most of my day replying to emails, stretching, walking, and trolling around on Social Workout and Yahoo. There's always something stimulating for me... usually on SW, though I read pretty much everything on Yahoo anyway.
Online & Video
I do not understand experiments in misery
I wll never be able to be a spokeswoman for any kind of cleanse. I tried to do the juice fast yesterday, and I failed, WITH PRIDE. You hear me? I REJECT YOU FASTING CLEANSES I REJECT YOU!!!
Mr. Mohawk Owes me $45 and it's not from last night
I'm nagging you online, in public. I need my cash please : ) I'm broke!
i DO blame it on the rain.
Got sick Tuesday afternoon and missed On the Ball Yoga. Felt better by the evening and took a walk and did Michelle Obama arms and Tina Turner leg lifts at home.
I also cleaned out some disgusting kitchen gadget basket and cupboards. Kitchen Cure!
Eh, Wednesday
Well this workout wasn't great. BUT I was babysitting until 10:00 pm, so I really just wanted to get into bed and go to sleep. Hopefully I'll make up for it with my next workout.
Elliptical for 20 minutes; 1.2 miles.
Started at level 5 and worked my way up to level 10.
Oh hey Tuesday
GREAT workout today! I really have no idea why, but I was working really really hard and I was liking it. I just really wanted to push myself and the lower levels just felt too easy, so I spent a lot of time in the higher levels which was really great.
Elliptical for 35 minutes; 2.67 miles
Started at level 5 and worked my way up to level 12.
Oh Mondays
Man, I need to be better about blogging about my workout the day of, because I totally forget about them a few days later. Anyway, I had a pretty good workout on Monday... nothing too special. Read a magazine, listened to music, the usual.
Elliptical for 35 minutes; 2.4 miles.
Started at level 5 and worked my way up to level 11.
Bowing out, but with new resolutions.
So I had a death in my family, and things are just now getting back to normal. Needless to say, I didn't work out for a week, ate like shit, missed my opportunity for a bunch of feats, etc. and have more or less no hope at this point of completing this challenge.
spinning before coffee adds a bonus challenge
45 min (supposed to be 60, but started late)spinning this AM with Carl, followed by Chisel with Carl (60 mins)
then after I had a small coffee...
I need more coffee and need to be productive today. must pack up lap top and do some work where there are people around me that I can look at for distractions...and tomato soup. I want it. I'm craving that saucy feeling.
Another Tuesday with my guy
Dear Trainer, thank you for those lat pull downs, leg lifts and extensions, camels, bridges, shoulder presses and stretches... :-)
Vanity Muscle Day
Sigh. Came home and used the gym in my apartment building. Consists of a few dumbells and a universal machine and cardio equipment. Not that I am complaining, it is a great gym we get to use for free. Makes having exciting workouts pretty hard to have though..so I just did some biceps and triceps today. Oh well, perhaps rope climb tomorrow.
Chin Ups
Diamond Push Ups
It's been a full week since my last real workout. I was running all around town yesterday for my annual check ups with some docs and could tell that I'm still feeling physically weak from this cold. I have finished the smoothie feat however and am onto my raw feat today. I bought some prepared foods from Organic Avenue (More...
New York
Short and sweet
One more workout and one more feat! Walked home last night from an event I was working- walked 1.5 miles (again, in heals. Which should be extra points). Then I made dinner and achieved my 10th personal chef! 4 feats done, several more to go (though I don't think 10 will happen. Oh well).
I forgot about Tuesday
I totally worked out on Tuesday!
But I'm still not going to make it to 20 workouts this month, damn it all to hell.
Question re: fast foodless
does a university cafeteria count as fast food? obviously, their food comes from sysco (and like sources), so i'm unsure where it stands...
i'm desperately looking for a feat to be able to knock out!!
Elliptical, with stomachache
I worked out in the hope that my stomachache would go away, but alas. I'm not sure if I'm in the grips of an teensy virus, or I ate some bad pizza, or I'm just worried about the twenty-odd deadlines looming ahead.
I did get my mind off the gnawing pain, for a bit. It was better than curling up and moaning. Moaning really scares the shit out of my dog.
Moving on up
To the bigger weights, that is.
There is nothing as satisfying as realizing that the weights you were using for the last few weeks are now comically easy.
Also, I can now crush beer cans on my head. I WON'T, but I can.