

Preparing for Winter Runs

Today I, a former Florida girl, ran in the coldest weather I have run in yet. I was tempted to skip because of the horrid chilliness combined with rain, but I knew if I was to keep up a running program I would have to get used to running in this type of weather. As motivation, I ran to a shopping plaza to look for winter athletic apparel. Success!

Where (gym, studio, etc.): : 
Workout Date: 
Thu, 10/15/2009 (All day)

The Other Kind of Heat

The Land of Two Million Saunas

Dry heat. Doesn't that almost sound appealing just now? Our friends at Apartment Therapy D.C. took a tour of the Finnish embassy, and here's the shocking takeaway: "In Finland, there are 2.5 million saunas for 5 million people...." Now, that's a people in touch with their sweat glands -- and we approve fully. Turns out shoe-horning a sauna in your basement or utility closet is entirely do-able, an affordable indulgence. File that away for winter....

Finnish Sauna (Via <a href="">AT D.C.</a>.)

msh258 said "

the really lucky people that is...after all there are not saunas ..." More comments...

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