weight lifting


A good workout with lots of sweat

Sweat pouring down my brow as the temperature has jumped up and the fitness center hasn't turned on the air conditioning yet. Tonight was my lower limb workout night. Pushed hard and felt good afterward, especially after the shower.

Where (gym, studio, etc.): : 
Workout Date: 
Thu, 04/29/2010 (All day)


Rainy Morning Blues and a Workout at the Fitness Center

Got up eager to go out on my MTB this morning. Unfortuantely, the sky was cloudy, but unperturbed I got dressed up. By the time all was ready, the rain had cometh so a quick change of plans took me to the fitness center where I sweated out a circuit training workout. Upper and lower body iron pumping interspersed with aerobic exercises proved invigorating as well as positive.

Where (gym, studio, etc.): : 
Workout Date: 
Sun, 04/18/2010 (All day)


My first Million Minute Workout

Had to go to the fitness center to push some weights and burn off the frustration of the day. It worked! I felt a lot better after the workout. I started at 4.30 and finished at 6.20

Chalk up 110 minutes.

Where (gym, studio, etc.): : 
Workout Date: 
Thu, 04/15/2010 (All day)

Home Stretch

Weight Lifting Relieves Tax Stress

"Stretchy Rubber Band makes my muscles fatigued makes my brain high on endorphins makes me not think about all my money evaporating out of my account. I hope they patch a road with my money." — fosterfitness, today, 3:57 P.M.

Crossfit photo by Angela Jimenez


Nothing exciting about the routine

Back for my regular weight lifting to building lower-body strength. Things went well and I felt depleted after the workout. Tomorrow we start on the MMM. We'll see how it works out.

Where (gym, studio, etc.): : 
Workout Date: 
Tue, 04/13/2010 (All day)

Poet Laureate

Everything I Thought I Knew About Weight Lifting Was Wrong

2010 is, apparently, the year for debunking my long-held beliefs about working out and the body. Already this year, the Tarahumara foot strike has changed how I run; the paleo diet has altered how I look at food, and I've learned that excessive cardio can cause muscle loss, and should be limited to about 20 minutes a day on weight-lifting days. Other discoveries: situps are the worst ab exercise and can eff up your back and literally pull your spine forward; there are fast and slow twitch muscle fibers, and we need to activate both; sex after workouts increases testosterone, which aids muscle growth; and, of course, yoga is bad for you. But the fundamentals of lifting are pretty simple and untouchable, right?

Strong Man (via <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/tomsaint/2678120228/">Rennet Stowe</a>)

amyxualum said "

Regardless of the absurdity of the yoga bashing- thanks for the ..." More comments...


Back to the same grind

Warm-up exercises followed by weight lifting for the lower muscle groups. Pushed hard on the quads.

Where (gym, studio, etc.): : 
Workout Date: 
Tue, 04/06/2010 (All day)


Fighting to get back on a roll

So I just spent the last 45 minutes fighting through the basic beginners workout on bodyrock.tv.  For some reason using 3 lb weights felt like I was lifting 100 lbs.

Where (gym, studio, etc.): : 
Workout Date: 
Mon, 04/05/2010 (All day)


A Sprained Glute =(

Makes squats really hard. I thought I had tweaked something during my powerlifting session on Monday and since I was only doing upper body on Wednesday, I thought I'd be over it by today. Tossed down the foam roller as usual at the beginning, and didn't hit anything there, so I moved on to hang power cleans without much fuss.

Workout Date: 
Fri, 03/05/2010 (All day)

My Body

Maura Barclay on Sublimating Your Urge to Run

Maura Barclay is a former two-time Junior Olympian gymnast and a former professional fire fighter. She's also the creator of Unbreakable Woman, Awesome Arms, and a Yoga Tuneup teacher and teacher trainer.

I’ve evolved from being a posing weight lifter to being a yogi who's changing the world one body at a time. The truth is, I grew up with dangerous men in my family, and I’m a survivor of that. Because I grew up in a dangerous environment, it usually goes one of two ways. Girls have very bad boundaries, because your boundaries are trespassed again and again. So women are very flirtatious and are looking for protection. Or my route, I became my own protector. I became a warrior. The weight lifting was to protect me, to make me strong. Because I grew up feeling like at any moment something was going to happen to me, I grew up always feeling like I had to be careful. The weight lifting was a function of that mindset.

Maura (via <a href="http://unbreakablewoman.com/maura.html">unbreakablewoman</a>)

michlny said "


Not sure how you find these inspiring stories SW - ..." More comments...

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