Five Ways to Eat Broccoli

Mid morning reminder: Today is Broccoli Quad day, and, should you be looking for inspiration, thekitchn.com has filed their daily roundup of five ways to get the deal done.

Broccoli! Via <a href="http://www.thekitchn.com/">thekitchn.com</a>.)

erikka said "

Does veggie pizza count?

" More comments...


Food-Ex Pairing Day Three: Broccoli Quad

Hello Monday Featsters. Early in the week, and early in this challenge, we're keeping it basic, and essential: Your food is broccoli, and your body part is the thigh, a.k.a. your quadruceps. It doesn't get any more accessible or urgent than this. Broccoli is available everywhere, affordable, and easy to prepare in any number of ways. You can boil it, steam it, or stir fry it. Never mind that certain recent U.S. Presidents refused to eat it, it's very good for you: It's does nice things for your heart, can help prevent cataracts, and give you stronger bones, plus it's a cruciferous veggie, and crucifers have got all sorts of anti-carcinogenic properties. On top of all that it looks like trees with tiny green trunks, and it's fun to eat.

Speaking of TRUNKS, your legs contain the biggest muscles in your body, and your thighs are the biggest muscles in your legs. We owe many of the greatest things in life to our quads: Leaping, walking, running, and kicking things like cans and tires and other people. But, sitting all day at our desks, those big muscles go tragically underutilized. Not today! Perhaps you will do Olympic Squats as described in detail here, or maybe you'll go for a ride with Lance, or a spin, or a jog. Or maybe you'll find a field and do wind sprints, dreaming of Usain Bolt (hot video after the jump). Or if you want to be very creative, you might try "Urban Sprinting" like Aussie Jerky Boy, Neg....

Have fun, and tell us all about it!

Muscles of the Thigh


gardening at the top

Another morning on top of Mt Sutro. Rode bike on up and spent the AM on the tippy top spreading mulch all over the Rotarians' "Native Plant Garden." Upper body, hello!

Thank you, SW, for leniency on the late night snacking (i.e., dinner)! I just might make it yet, although two nights ago I did wake up STARVING at 2:17am, and it was everything I could do to not sleepwalk into the kitchen.

3rd highest point in SF!
Workout Date: 
Sat, 10/03/2009 (All day)

msh258 said "

that sounds delicious! all of it! can you make me a smoothie?

" More comments...


Saturday needed a walk.

The weather right now is INSANE in Nashville. Blue skies all around. It's awesome.

So today I went on a 45 minute walk while listening to Mark Driscoll's sermon on Wealth in the book of Proverbs. It felt really victorious- to be dealing with two areas where I lack self-discipline (exercising & budget) at the same time. I am, if nothing else, an accomplished multi-tasker.

Where (gym, studio, etc.): : 
A view from my walk.
Workout Date: 
Sat, 10/03/2009 (All day)

stephanieamber said "

oh my gosh. what a great idea, listening to a sermon on your walk. ..." More comments...

The SW-e-AT Challenges

Day 1: Beet Butt. I totally got this one in! I had beet tofu patties for dinner, and I did 20 minutes on the Exhale Core Fusion Glutes and Thighs video.

Day 2: Oats and Abs. Ha! I just happened to eat oats* in my breakfast, so now I just need to do an ab workout. Easy-peasy!


Other Places

Oct 2nd, part 1

I'm starting a bit late, since I spent almost all day yesterday in the car. I've got a calendar filled with weeks of "just water" and "dairyless", and I'm very excited to start crossing things off.


Other Places

SW-e-AT in time zones

Hmmm, already a slight snag for me. I'm across the Atlantic from most of the rest of you, so I'm getting the body/food pairing for the SW-e-AT feat way later--as in, around 4 pm. So basically, trying to do this challenge on the day would mean delaying any workout, *and* having to fit in whatever food it is into dinner only.


forthrightfattie said "

Haha, exactly--I was contemplating choking down a spoonful of raw ..." More comments...


Food Exercise Pairing Day 2: Oats & Abs

Yesterday was Beet Butt, and we're still sorting through the entries to highlight inspirational combinations of root and rear. (Doh! Couldn't resist.) TODAY, we keep it focused on the essentials: A foundational whole grain and your core. As per daily routine, thekitchn.com has posted five fine ways to eat oats. And, if you're wondering why oats, you might look at this backgrounder on "Avena Sativa." Among other virtues: "Studies show that in individuals with high cholesterol (above 220
mg/dl), consuming just 3 grams of soluble oat fiber per day (an amount
found in one bowl of oatmeal) typically lowers total cholesterol by
8-23%." So, you've got that going for you. As for the abs, you could do situps, or hold plank, or do crunches on a exercise ball. Or you could watch the following Pilates routine, set to Leonard Cohen, be inspired, and hit a Pilates class.

andrealc23 said "

Yay! Thanks for helping us plan ahead so we don't have to, er, cheat ..." More comments...


mmmm! or hmmmm?

Day 1 smoothie decadence: Raw Cacao + Coconut Milk + Yogurt + Ice. BLEND + TASTE = add Ground Flax Seeds + Stevia. mmmmm-hmmmm.

Where (gym, studio, etc.): : 
Classes Taken: 
Workout Date: 
Thu, 10/01/2009 (All day)


Food Exercise Pairing #1: Beet Butt!

Hello Sports Fans! It's day one of Eat.Sweat.Blog. And so time for the first SW-e-AT  food-exercise pairing feat, coming to you via Social Workout and thekitchn.com. Here's how this feat works: We post a food and a body part, and you must consume the food and exercise the body part in the next 24 hours.... Do this ten times over the coming month, and you've nailed SW-e-AT. Crazy random? Yes. Just crazy enough for you to do it? Yes!

Now then, to help you along, our friends at thekitchn.com will be posting recipes, and we'll suggest an exercise or two. SO, without further ado, our first SW-e-AT food-exercise pairing is...

BEET BUTT. That's right, eat beets, and work your glutes. Please recall that beets are packed with good things: "Vitamin A, your vitamin C, calcium, iron, potassium, and folic acid, among many other good things. It's fall, it's a deep colored root, it's good for you. Not sure how to make them? Here are five great ways.

As to the butt, there are many things you might do today. Run, jump, break dance.... But we'll focus on squats. Simple, timeless. You might do three sets of graceful ballet squats, perhaps holding a kettlebell. OR, you might get aggro and do some Olympic squats with the big 45 pound bar and those colorful free weights. Either way, you'll look cool.
Good luck, and tune in tomorrow for the next SW-e-AT feat!


Beet Squat! (Courtesy of <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/dehwang/150743582/">Dehwang</a> &  kthread.)

killercadoogan said "

Beets were part of my juice this morning...SCORE!

" More comments...

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