Hudson River Park


A cooler morning run

Thank God for the break in the heat this week! It's made for some much more pleasant morning runs.


Workout Date: 
Wed, 06/09/2010 (All day)


Pre-Bachelor Season Finale Monday Evening Run

Since I'm supposed to run 13 miles 3 weeks from now, I decided it was time to start moving my ass along with some sort of actual training schedule. I did my "long run" on Sunday (a very Feral bridge run, might I add), which is supposed to be followed by a recovery run. So, ran 3 miles last night along the Hudson, trying not to think about the fact that 13 is like, 4 times 3. plus 1 more.

Workout Date: 
Mon, 03/01/2010 (All day)


Training for Half-Marathon Very Good For Being Feral

4.5 mile early ayem run. Was not planning on running this morning, but a mush of very odd (bad) dreams proved an excellent reason to rise, shine, and run at 6:30am. Which usually seems vaguely familiar to torture.

Where (gym, studio, etc.): : 
Workout Date: 
Tue, 03/02/2010 (All day)


Lance Armstrong Congratulated Me On My Run. Did Tiger Woods Get the Ax From Nike+?

The first time I ran over 5 miles with my Nike+,  Tiger's (seductive?) voice came on to congratulate me on my workout. On Saturday, I clocked in with - a very liberal run/walk combo- of  9.3 miles.  Upon clicking "End My Workout," Lance Armstrong told me what I great run I had. Well, thank you Lance. Though really, it begged a few alarming questions.

Where (gym, studio, etc.): : 
Workout Date: 
Sat, 01/23/2010 (All day)

devanator said "

I got Tiger Woods this moring and it made me so mad I wanted to ..." More comments...


Workout Post from last Tuesday

Evening run on the Hudson. Now I'm all caught up.

Where (gym, studio, etc.): : 
Workout Date: 
Tue, 01/19/2010 (All day)


Running with holes in the fingers of your gloves don't help keep you warm.

4 miles along the Hudson. My finger could have been a bit warmer, but I do believe I run better when my hamstrings are numb.

Where (gym, studio, etc.): : 
Workout Date: 
Sun, 01/10/2010 (All day)

Ashley said "

I've lived in NYC for almost five years and I've never been here! ..." More comments...


Men in Bike Shorts

It's an art show in Greenpoint. Not at a gallery, but in someone's apartment. "Friends showing friends' art," says the organizer. The apartment fills up quickly. Two guys, stand in the living room crowd talking. One, an indie music engineer dressed in black, describes the bike ride he took earlier: Across the Brooklyn Bridge, up the West side, over the George Washington Bridge, through the Palisades and back. Sometime he rides to the Cloisters too. It's gorgeous, he says, and with the weather cooling down, the paths and roads aren't crowded. He rides a bike he saved up to buy when he was 15. It was his dream, but then he never rode it. The bike stayed hung in his garage for 14 years. When his last city bike was stolen, he called his mom and asked her to send it to him. He couldn't afford to buy another bike. "She sent the receipt too," he says, rolling his eyes." What does he wear to ride in the cool weather someone asks. "I wear bike shorts, but the sort that are attached to regular shorts on the outside," he says. "And then these leggings." Why the need for the floppy shorts? "I can't do the full spandex," he says. "No way."

Riding the Bridge (Via <a href="">Sarah Ackerman</a>.)

fashionyunayou said "

I domt know how to bike - never had chance to . The idea of having a ..." More comments...


Morning Run, Shoulder Shrugs, and Handstand Envy

Back in the day, I was a tiny little fearless gymnast &  dancer. And if my memory serves me correctly, I could do a handstand or three. Now I think I would crack my head open. As we were doing group push-ups over here at SW HQ, Molly and Sasha broke into handstand push-ups. I refilled my tea cup. 

Workout Date: 
Wed, 10/07/2009 (All day)


Beets and Pseudo-Butt

The need for some head clearing combined with my utter lack of interest in spending any more hours of my day in an enclosed space (read: gym) lead me to a river-lit run along the Hudson. Nice jog on a beautiful fall night equaled very cathartic. I think I will now continue the head clearing process by shutting off all technology and replacing the all-encompassing-inner -monologue-that-lead-me-to-need-the-cathartic-run-in-the-first-place with pajamas and Grey's Anatomy.

Enjoyed some dee-lic beets in my salad at lunch.

Workout Date: 
Thu, 10/01/2009 (All day)

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