SW Labs

SW Labs

Add Some Caffeine To Your Morning Ride

I would bike to work, you say, but then when would I drink my coffee? Social Workout's esteemed engineer Micah has that problem all worked out. Behold: The bike coffee holder, or as it's properly called, "The Morning Rush Coffee Holder Kit." $39.99 and you too could be sipping and riding. Micah gives it a big thumbs up. Though, after risking death one morning with an improper mug, he vigorously recommends heading the kit's warning that "mug holder ring only to be used with accompanying commuter mug. Using other devices or cups will lead to spillage and possible serious accidents."

Micah's Bike

Butwhatifido said "

This was the best gift I ever got my brother - but his ..." More comments...

SW Labs

Motivation Through Technology

If I could have sex with anything in my gym bag it would be a little doohicky I attach to my sneaker. I have never in my life before owned anything by Nike (because I apparently live under a rock) but the Nike+iPod gizmo is by far the most motivating fitness fad I've succumbed to. Best $30 I have ever spent and here's why:

via Wikipedia

Online & Video

msh258 said "

interesting...will have to investigate!

" More comments...

SW Labs

Spinning Solo In The Cardio Section

Saturday morning I dragged my tired ass to the YMCA resolved to peddle through on an elliptical instead of my normal Saturday morning spin class, stupid holiday gym schedule. Then, like a beacon of light in an otherwise boring cardio section, I saw it: The Star Trac eSpinner Spin Bike. In laymen’s terms: a spin bike with a TV.

Dudes, if there is one form of exercise I know it is spinning. Once upon a time I was a spin instructor; I stopped when I realized I wasn’t very good at it. Teaching, not my forte. Spinning on the other hand is my happy place. So, how does an electronic spin experience stack up?

Magic Spin Bike.jpg

FatBottomSlim said "

Thanks for this review! I have been soooooo curious about these ..." More comments...

SW Labs

As Seen on TV Fitness From the Belly Burner to P90X

If there's one thing I love, it's a good ole fashioned infomercial.  How else would I know I could cook six whole trout in a rotating oven?  Having succumbed to the call of the late night shopping gods one too many times, I have to confess to owning a fair bit of As Seen on TV fitness paraphernalia. Here's what's crap and what isn't: 

Shake Weight (via <a href="http://www.dickssportinggoods.com">Dicks Sporting Goods</a>)

erikka said "

I heart the Suzanne Sommers thighmaster. No joke.

" More comments...

SW Labs

Coconut Water is the O.N.E.

I like to drink, anything really: Water, juice, milk, whisky, Kool-Aid. Chances are if it’s liquid, I’ll drink it. I'm thirsty.

The one thing I dislike drinking is coconut water. Generally, I think it tastes like a dirty sock. I want to like it, and I keep trying it over, and over again to prove to myself that I'm one of the cool coconut-water-loving kids, but to no avail. But it turns out that publicly declaring my hate of the stuff landed me with a lifetime supply of ONE Coconut Water.

Passion Fruit is Tangy

OklahomaShay said "

I agree completely. I love the benefits of coconut water, but I ..." More comments...

SW Labs

Protein Blitz or Bust

I am slow to the recovery drink revolution. But I am now officially dabbling. This change of heart has come with my new mission to become seriously buff, as opposed to merely healthy and reasonably fit. Becoming seriously buff, everyone tells me, takes a lot of time, dedication, and the repetitive lifting of heavy objects. Oh, and recovery drinks. Who knew?

Protein Blitz

sandella said "

I love my secret weapon...i swear by it.... but be careful.. I tried ..." More comments...

SW Labs

My Experiments With Mid-Workout Chews, Goos, and Gummy Bears

I am one of those lucky folk who cannot even think about running, jumping, spinning, swimming, lifting, lunging, or squatting if I have eaten within approximately four hours of activity time. The combo of food and exercise has me yacking like a Catholic school girl let loose in Cancun. Lately I've upped my huffing and puffing time to 2+ hours, six days a week. (What can I say — I needed an after work project, and I ran out of Bones reruns). But thanks to the four hour food rule, I've been hitting a pretty regular wall about an 75 minutes in. I decided it was time for a caloric intervention.

I am not a marathon runner, but a friend who is suggested I start testing out mid-workout energy aids.  Here's the rundown of my experiments: 

Photo Credit: Amazon.com

yeahredgymnast said "

This is uber helpful!  Thanks!!!!

" More comments...

SW Labs

My Two Weeks With YogaEarth, Supplement to the Stars

Nutritional supplements aren't generally my bag. Usually, I steer clear of them because I don't understand the ingredients, and I'm not sure I want to look like Macho Man Randy Savage. I decided, however, to take the plunge with YogaEarth, a supplement for, you guessed it, yogis. The good folks at YogaEarth make a fairly big todo about the fact that their products are organic, holistic, and made from fantabulous ingredients. And they're backed by some pretty well-to-do Yogis like Sara Ivanhoe, Kristin McGee, and Elena Brower. I own their DVDs! So I was actually pretty psyched to add these suckers to my practice. Here's the lowdown.


Elena Brower said "

i'm a huge fan of kimberly so i'm offering my take here with total ..." More comments...

SW Labs

Two Weeks With a Stash of Jillian Michaels in My Purse

I hear "diet pills," and I think afterschool specials and Karen Carpenter tragedies. So when Jillian Michael's PR folks sent us a sample of Jillian's new "14 Day Cleanse & Burn" pills, I stashed them in a drawer, which I was then afraid to open. But then, for the sake of SW labs, I reached into that dark drawer... 

Jillian's Pills (via <a href="http://www.jillianweightloss.com/jumpstart.html">jillianweightloss</a>)

erikka said "

I'm really disappointed for her putting her name on this product as ..." More comments...

SW Labs

Banglz Ankle Weights Can Kill You

Banglz claim to be "wardrobe friendly accessories" that double as ankle and wrist weights you can wear for "all-day exercise." They look like scrunchies filled with BBs, so wardrobe friendly? Questionable. But they are most certainly weights. I accidentally wore my ankle Banglz around my wrists for a while, and typing became a grueling activity. But once I got the anklets in the right place, I sort of enjoyed them. They went with me on errands, and I felt my leg muscles straining. They came with me up stairs, triggering some delightful exertion. But then I was running late, and loaded with bags I descended into the subway. Turns out ankle weights mess with your balance. I broke no bones, really just careened into the stair rail, but now you've been warned. Banglz get no points for style, some points for moderate exercise-ish amusement, and minus another few points for slip-and-fall peril. They might be semi-funny stocking stuffers, if only they weren't a pricey $27.95. Final verdict: if you can bring yourself to part with the scrunchie casing, a cheaper, heavier alternative might be the way to go. 

Banglz (via <a href="http://www.banglz.com">banglz</a>)

Mr. Mohawk said "

is that a mafia joke?

" More comments...

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