Site News
Site News
Survive the Holidays with Social Workout and Friends!
It’s the first Monday of the holiday season, and I’m standing on the deck of Social Workout 2.0 frantically tossing life preservers into a quietly rising tide of egg nog. December is challenge time around here. It’s also shaping up to be a coming out party for our new site.
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Simple Goal Setting Comes to SW 2.0
Last night, or maybe it was this morning, I wrote the following "special alert" to users of "SW 2.0." That's what we call our fancy, new personal tracking, goal setting, and challenge-doing site. We've been working away on the changes for a while, and we've got a lot more to come.
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What the Hell Happened to the Blog And Other Important Matters
Saturday morning at Social Workout HQ, and four of us are hard at work in an otherwise quiet Soho office space. As the designers design and the developer develops, I figure it's high time to do a bit of catching up on the blog. It feels like forever since we last had a good chat.
First, a very brief history: Once, Social Workout was a simple blog. Then we were a blog that did communal challenges. We did nine or so of them, and along the way we bonded and discovered that setting a goal and having a bunch of strangers watching your back was a good thing. Naturally, we wanted to share the love, but there were some problems....
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Social Workout 2.0 Cleared for Take Off
Fasten your seatbelts, and hold on to your login credentials, we're about to flip the big switch here in Social Workout headquarters: Beginning tomorrow, this "blog" will live at a slightly new address. Actually, it already lives there. If you move your eyes to the address bar at the top of your browser window — easy now — you'll notice that the site you are looking at is actually ""
Oh snap!
This might make you wonder: Where exactly is at this very moment? Well,, the "page," is currently in the garage getting re-tooled. Around high noon tomorrow, post switch flipping, that URL/page will reappear, but redesigned as a front door to BOTH this blog and to our new challenge site, a.k.a. Social Workout 2.0.
Huh? Could you go over that again?
Yes. As many of you know, we've been working away on a new and improved version of this site. Well, it's high time to push our baby out into the daylight. If you haven't already checked it out, the new site is less blog, and more personal activity tracker and communal challenge site....
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Baby Steps and New Challenges
Close readers of Social Workout will have noticed a change to our navigation bar in the last week. The old Online link has been replaced by Challenges, a long overdue page where we will henceforth gather up links to all our challenges, past, present, and future.
Should you click through on the new choice, you will also notice that a new challenge has quietly taxied on to the runway. Even as we sail through the Emergency Holiday Challenge, we have put the finishing touches on what we expect will be our biggest effort yet: The New Year's Edition. There she is sitting quietly at the dock, like a giant ocean liner before the passengers have arrived. Feel free to go have a look around. The New Year's Edition is sponsored by Whole Food Markets, and by our old friends at Crunch. It includes a menu of 20 healthy living feats, some created by the Whole Foodies, and some proven classics. It is designed to take you and your dearest friends in style to the land of extreme wellness. Much more on the accelerating technology upgrades around here, and fanfare about the N.Y.E. to come. For now, feel free to book your passage...
Site News
New on the Blog: The Workout Post
Dear readers and especially May Edition challenge peoples: We've been working away behind the scenes to upgrade our un-patented Challenge software, and otherwise clean up various imperfections on the site. Moments ago, we "pushed" a whole slew of tweaks and improvements. At the center of the changes is this: We've created a new kind of "post," the "Workout Post."
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The Challenge is Over, Long Live the Challenge
Lot's going on today at Social Workout: One challenge ending, another starting, and behind the scenes various technology enhancements soon to be rolled out for your review and critique. Naturally, we took the opportunity go on a corporate field trip very early this morning to the final day of New York Ashatanga Yoga coachella at the new Chinatown YMCA. (Our impressions: Lot's of extremely flexible people. Women smiling like they lived in Northern California. Thin yogi guys, bare-chested with tattoos. Very different scene than, say, the Steel Gym, where we worked out last night hoping to find a bodybuilder to come to our launch party. We chatted with Victor Martinez, for example, who won the "Arnold Classic" in 2007. Big guy.)
So, catching back up with the day, we'd like to first massively congratulate our B.O.W.C. finishers. It was an amazing, inspiring month. Some of you are probably wondering what comes next. Here's the plan: We'll be doing final tabulation of B.O.W.C. attendance today, and our judges meet over the weekend, and early next week, to determine prize winners. Everyone's a winner of course, but we do have to give some stuff away -- which we'll do next Thursday at our Official Launch Party. (Please recall the witty title: "Jane and Arnold Invite You to: When Women did Aerobics, Men Pumped Iron, and Yoga Was for Weirdos." Get your '70s gear on, and come prepared to sweat (if you like) or simply socialize.) We'll also post the results on the site one week from today.
Meanwhile, the May Edition is off and running. We've made some changes to the "blog form" to allow people to track their progress a little more elegantly. If all goes well, we'll be releasing these in the next day or so, and looking forward to getting everyone's feedback. Since life has been crazy, we're going to keep the May Edition open to new participants through our party. So, if you're on the fence, come along....
OK, now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
This is it!!
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