Classy Gossip
Classy Gossip
Tonique is the Hardest Class Ever
[This just in from anonymous source K. ~ The Eds.]
You should look into Tonique. Sylwia is the Tonique guru. They just brought the class to the Printing House. I was the only person in the entire room with ANY body fat on them. It's 90 minutes, and it seriously kicked my ass. Granted, I am not in my finest shape by any means, but holy shit....
A scarily type A+ blond, mini-woman in the front of the room turned back to my huffing-and-puffing self and said, "It took me 3 months to be able to get through this routine. Don't give up, you are doing so much better than I was when I first started. I don't mean to be annoying, but I know it can be hard at first. Just keep marching in place if you stop."
And I guess I did appreciate it, and this showed, because she went on: "My kids go to pre-school with Sylwia's kids, (How did children come out of your body?!?!), and I won a session with her at a pre-school raffle. I've been training with her for two years, and I owe my entire body to her. I mean, I was a 4/6, well, before I had kids and was in shape, and now, (gestures to her body), I'm a size ZERO. I mean, I was seriously pear-shaped."
Hardest. Class. Ever.
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