

Ultimate Pushup Challenge: Michelle vs. Ellen

These women got upper body strength!


A Holiday Challenge Invite

December is when we eat and sit, and skip the gym, and wear loose knits.
Will you become a snarling mess, or land in Jan at your tip top best?
Listen up and please fear not, you can party and not go to pot!
All you need to keep you fit is "Tis the Season to Stick with It!"
A challenge to hold the bloat at bay: We ask for exercise every day.
You can do it, and you just might like, plus you could win a recumbent bike!
Yes, stocking stuffers and zero fee, so join and bring a friend or three!

Fine holiday challenges brought to you by Social Workout with Spirit Fitness and Everyday Health.



Get Schooled! Free Crunch Passes And Your 28-Day Master Class in Living Well

Two important items of note. First, today kicks off the Crunch Get Schooled Challenge! What is it? A 28-day master class in living well, consisting of four key feats:

  1. 20 Workouts in 28 days
  2. No Judgements (meditation meets radical self-acceptance)
  3. 20 Healthy Meals in 28 Day
  4. Group Fitness Sampler (8 new classes in 28 days)

Track it all on Social Workout 2.0. We're handing out free two-week passes to help you get started. And one lucky challenge completer wins a free year-long Crunch membership! Second item of note, today's NYC Groupon is a month of Crunch for $39. Add that month to your two week pass, and you've got a supremely happy/healthy start to your fall. 

SoWo Crunch

catpita said "

Question: I can't log in to the 2.0 with my 1.0 username (which is ..." More comments...


Annals of Caffeine Withdrawl: Day 6

Thanks to some pushups, some water, and some very good moral support, I made it through Monday morning without breaking my caffeine-free vow. I miss my coffee cart guy — I know he calls everyone "sweetie" and "beautiful," but I think he says it with a special twinkle when he says it to me — but I've stayed strong. Until this morning. When I got a headache and took an Excedrin.

Excedrin (via <a href="">eleanor black</a>)

FatBottomSlim said "

Sorry to say, but Excedrin seems like cheating...

" More comments...

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