sbalman's blog


I just read Erinn B's great posting from April 13. It was titled, "Best Three Ingredient Meal #1. It is the kind of meal I eat often and love. I used to be a complete lacto-ovo vegetarian. I now call myself a semi-vegetarian (eating only small and occasional amount of meat and chicken and, more often, fish). I keep hearing the new term, Flexitarians for the way I eat.


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Oliver said "

I had an omelette today! Fully agree. Now, about those workouts...?

" More comments...

Easter Day Off with The Bunny and my Family

Well, I knew April 1 that I would be "taking off" on Easter...a day that is busy with my family but, I also knew that my daughter and I were planning a meal that was unusual for us... a dinner with a dessert.


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sbalman said "

Oliver...I thank you. It is ridiculous how a Sweet Potato Cake can ..." More comments...

Day 11 and it's a Beautiful Day!

Day 11 and I realized we are halfway through our April Challenge. I don't want it to end! I look forward to reading what other people write and writing myself. It makes me "think" about each day and how I am going to be Active that day.


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warrior said "

Good for you. We are half way already? gesh, this is a wonderful ..." More comments...

Long day yesterday...lost all my momentum...

Okay...after several times writing about Mini-Workouts at work, I discovered yesterday how other people might have jobs in which that just couldn't happen.


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Well, finally...

I have tried to have time to get online with SocialWorkout the whole live long day! I had meetings, students, late classes to teach, a bazillion people to talk to...and then, home to too much. It all reminds me how all of have to cope with Busy Lives and how that can be the challenge of eating healthily and working out every day.


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sbalman said "

Oliver! Love it!!! Mini-workouts Work!!

" More comments...

Day Siix and running....well, not literally.

I haven't been at SocialWorkout since Friday but, I WORKED OUT both Saturday and Sunday! Yay me!! I usually give myself one or two days off a week but, with all the fun of participating with this site, I just fel motivated to work out both days.
Now, I need to go read what everyone els has been up to the last few days!

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Susan's Day Three

Last night, I was trying to figure out why, almost instantly, I have so enjoyed the SocialWorkout site and reading everyone's blogs as well as writing my own....something I have never done (blogging).
I am fifty-five of normal weight. I workout not to lose weight but to maintain my fitness level (which is high) and now, as I have aged, to maintain my good health.


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sbalman said "

That is so cool you feel that way! I love that. I always wanted to ..." More comments...

Netflix woirkout streaming videos

Did you all see in the "online" section above that yuo can get streaming video of Old0School workout videos like Richard Simmons? Not my favorite but there are others I like. That could be very fun!

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LaLaL said "

I didn’t realize when I told you to sign up for this that you would ..." More comments...

Say No to Coffee...Yes to Exercise Boost!

Just got back from the Mini-workout hidden while hiding in the bathroom. 5 minutes legs and 40 wall psuhups> Fun! I was starting to have that Mid-morning Slump that I sometimes try to counteract with coffee...this is much more effective!

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I persevered!

End of the week...taught until late...stayed up too late...didn't want to do it but, when I got to school early, I went to the gym and walked anyway! Yay! I also do this thing each day...every hour, I go to the breakroom or bathroom and do 2-3 minutes of toning exercises for my legs or torso. Keeps me energized!

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sbalman said "

you should try is not only energizing, it makes the day fly ..." More comments...

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