Archive - Review

June 28th, 2012

Pilates Rawks!

Thanks Justin for adding this class. Looking forward to trying.

Oliver's picture

December 16th, 2011

Danielle Rocks

Took her class at 19th St. and Broadway and LOOVED it...

Oliver's picture

July 20th

good ashtanga at good yoga

goodyoga has really got its Ashtanga groove going on!  If you go on a regular basis, you'll see the same people all the time, and the vibe of the space is communal and welcoming, so everybody is receptive and nice.I really trust Amy - she will never fail me. Such a sweet soul.  Solid Mysore style Ashtanga class.

shawn.carrie's picture

good ashtanga at good yoga

goodyoga has really got its Ashtanga groove going on!  If you go on a regular basis, you'll see the same people all the time, and the vibe of the space is communal and welcoming, so everybody is receptive and nice.I really trust Amy - she will never fail me. Such a sweet soul.  Solid Mysore style Ashtanga class.

shawn.carrie's picture

December 9th, 2010

Best Class I've Taken

Super intense, efficient workout. No workout has gotten me in better shape than Cardio Junkie. Marcus's cuing is perfect and every single class is different so you don't hit those annoying fitness plateaus. Highest recommendation for this class.

sm11's picture

November 13th

celebrity contortionists

David and Sharron are celebrity contortionists. Their spiritual capacity is as devoid as the New World Order and to believe otherwise would be as much a contortion as one of their absurd poster shots. How sickening that they should fly to India, Nepal, or Tibet every week in pursuit of their 'spiritual practice' while darker skinned people starve on the very streets which they live and work.

nicky6's picture

August 31st

note about address

this is actually in Berlin, Germany. I had to enter a fake zipcode!

msh258's picture

August 30th

Wobbly Legs and no Regrets

I posted last week about an intense weightlifting class at the gym that left me drenched in sweat, shaking all over and miserable for a week.  This class had me drenched, wobbly as hell BUT because of the yoga component--the slight soreness leaves me feeling proud, not debilitated.  Added bonus--I love how Dawnelle pronounces things.

loneyogi's picture

August 18th

Free Yoga

A community/Pay-as-you-wish yoga studio.Classes take place on the rooftop of the Market Hotel at 7pm Monday through Friday.Cosmic Yoga also integrates live music sets into their yoga practices. Past performers have included Prince Rama and La Big Vic.

austinsamsel's picture

August 12th

A Class that REALLY Moves You!

Classes are limited but * free * right now as the studio begins to open. Full schedule opens in September. Be the first to try the bikes that are going to replace Spinning bikes! These bikes tilt, turn and lean - improving strength, stability and coordination of your upper body. Killer workout! The first studio of this kind in Los Angeles. 

erin m.'s picture

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