Archive - 2011

December 30th

Industry Playahs

New Year, New Partnership

Looks like big news from Seattle. Back in May Buster Benson posted on EnjoymentLand that he was working on something new. Around that time, Jen McCabe, the cool woman who gave us (now defunct), picked up from San Fran and moved north to join Buster on the project.

adwardLL said "

happy new year.

" More comments...

December 29th

Industry Playahs

Texting for Health

Voxiva, founded in 2001, is using mobile phone apps and texting to help people get healthier.  Specifically, it provides information for pregnant women and hints to help smokers quit; and keeps track of diet, excercise, flu-shots and doctor check-ups.

December 28th

adwardLL said "

Thanks and happy new year.

" More comments...

Believe It

On Being Your Best

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in, forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day, you shall begin it well and serenely...”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

adwardLL said "

Thanks and happy new year.

" More comments...

Live Big

On Living Well

Fear less, hope more, eat less, chew more, whine less, breathe more, talk less, say more, hate less, love more, and good things will be yours.

Swedish Proverb

December 21st


Keas Raises $6.5 Million

Keas, the corporate health challenge game founded by Adam Bosworth, has raised $6.5 million dollars from Atlas Ventures out of Boston and Ignition Capital in Seattle. This comes just a few weeks after Runkeeper raised $10 million, and suggests that the social wellness trendlet is becoming a boomlet. Or just a plain boom. 

A Kea (Via <a href="">Martin Thum</a>.)

December 20th

Diet Intervention

Celebrity Diets

Have you made a personal goal to keep a food journal? Diet experts rate them as one of the most effective ways to lose weight. Need inspiration? Look to my favorite food blog, Grub Street Diet from New York Magazine.   Every week a celebrity, restaurateur or well known foodie shares what he or she eats from Friday morning to Wednesday night.


December 19th

Fit & Trendy

Trendy Fitness 2012

The American Council of excercise came out with a report on the top fitness trends in 2012. It's no surprise that tech-fueled workouts make the list; mobile-based apps and social media.  As if you needed one more reason to use Social Workout.  

Photo from <A href="" flickr </A>

December 18th


A Creature of Habit

We are at the start of Christmas week and that means the end of the year is just around the corner. For me, New Year's means a big party and then waking up to a new year and a whole new set of resolutions. It is commonly thought that it takes 21 days to create a habit. Wake before 6am, run for 30 minutes, drink green juice for 21 days and *bam* you've got a healthy habit.


A Green Gene

The Guardian has an interesting little article on the "brussel sprouts gene."


adwardLL said "

Thanks and happy new year.

" More comments...

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