Neighborhood Secrets

Urban Zen Does Monday Morning Yoga

Attention West Villagers: The Urban Zen Center, Donna Karan's gorgeous, high-minded, non-profit clubhouse, has started a regular series of Monday morning yoga classes. Please recall that DK has been on a mission to insert the practice of yoga into the care of cancer patients. The cavernous Urban Zen Center is the hub at which she trains her troops, while also hosting all manner of cool events, including a weekly 5Rhythms dance class. The new yoga class goes down every morning at 8:00 A.M., and features a half hour of meditation, followed by an hour of vinyasa yoga. The "suggested donation" is $10, and the Center provides mats, props, and a changing area. It's a bargain! But it's not forever. The series began October 18th, and runs just through the end of the year. 

Urban Zen Center Does Yoga!


PS: On November 10th, the Urban Zen Center is hosting a one-night-only photo exhibit and panel discussion on the rights of indigenous peoples. Not exactly "fitness" related, but inspiring; and the UZC has offered Social Workout readers a 20% discount. The normal, (tax deductible) benefit ticket is $60, but you can get yours for $48 with the code "JN3RA." If you've never been, must see that space! 

Oliver's picture

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