Workout Wear

It's Seasonal Gear Shift Time

Happy first day of Fall. Now that summer is over and done with it's time to go shopping. Well, for me to go shopping. Truth be told up until recently all of my exercise happened within the confines of the gym. I like it there, everything is organized and climate controlled...and I can wear the same black yoga capris and t-shirts to workout all year round. I've never had to amp up my fitness wardrobe for a change in climate before. But thanks to a newfound love of the outdoors I'm left with a dilemma...what the f@#k do I wear now? Lucky for me, and you, I did some research.

Headgear: Frozen ears are a few months off, but I say better safe than sorry. Consensus says North Face fleece and lycra headband is the way to go, and machine washable.

Chestal Region: Currently I'm coveting Lululemon's Inspire jacket with thumb holes, watch peephole, and weather resistant outerlayer.  I don't have $160 bucks to spend though.  Instead, Gap has a new line of actually pretty decent fitness gear.  Their full-zip jacket is made of warm yet wicking material, and has thumb holes, and it's only $60.

Pants: For some reason the idea of running/biking in full length pants is the hardest part of this whole thing for me to come to terms with.  As the weather cools down, running tights are the best way to keep your legs warm...coupled of course with the actual act of running.  CW-X takes tights seriously.  

Gloves: Hopefully once the weather gets cold enough to need gloves while sweating in the great outdoors NIKETOWN will have solved their bed bug problem so can grab up these thermal running gloves for under $12.

In the meantime I'm lapping up as much capri time as possible.



Incase you're in need of a product review: totally have this jacket and I wore it to run in tonight with a tank top underneath and it kept me very comfortable! Not to hot, not too cold.  I fold up the bottom of the sleeve though because my wrists get hot (I know, weird hey?), but I'm still pretty pumped about it!

mcheerio's picture

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