
A Weekend of "Igniting Your Feminine Fire" in San Diego

  • Who: S Factor Founder Sheila Kelley
  • What: The "Essentially Sexy from the Inside Out" retreat. Daily workshops with titles like "Erotic Creature Intensive" and "Lap Dance Intensive" and daily "chats" with Sheila Kelley with titles like "Igniting Your Feminine Fire & The Male vs. Female Campfire." Worth noting, you have to be at least 18 and a woman to attend the retreat.
  • When: October 21 - 24, 2010
  • Where: Paradise Point Resort & Spa in Mission Bay, California, twenty minutes from San Diego.
  • Why: If you're already a pole dancing devotee, this retreat has your name all over it. If the repeated use of the word "erotic" freaks you out almost as much as the phrase "female campfire" I'd like to remind you that Sheila Kelley's S Factor converted me, and I'm way more cynical and uptight than you could ever dream of being. 
  • How Much: Prices start at $2495, including accommodations and all meals.
  • Link: Essentially Sexy From The Inside Out



Sheila Kelley (via

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