
New Years in Costa Rica with Kula Yoga

  • Who: The Kula Yoga Project with instructors Jillian Tureckin and Oceana Baity
  • What: Skip New Year's in the city and spend a week on the beach in Costa Rica, with two-a-day vinyasa yoga classes, lots of beach time, and hikes in the jungle. Kula is known for their advanced classes, but don't be intimidated if you're more of a beginner — Jillian teaches Kula's absolute beginner courses. 
  • When: December 27, 2010 - January 3, 2011
  • Where: Costa Rica's Osa Peninsula
  • How Much: $1395 - 2350, depending on accommodations
  • Link: New Years Jungle Party


Osa Peninsula (via <a href="">wha'appen</a>)

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