
A Week at the Blue Spirit Retreat Center in Costa Rica

  • Who: Gina Norman and Stan Woodman of Greenwich Yoga
  • What: A week of yoga at the brand new Blue Spirit Retreat Center in Costa Rica. Plus surfing, horseback riding, and endless beach time. 
  • When: February 20 - 27, 2010
  • Where: Blue Spirit Retreat Center on Costa Rica's northwest coast.
  • Why: 1) Location. Gina just got back from checking out the retreat center for the first time and raves about the views and the sound of the waves in the yoga studio. 2) Teachers. Gina and Stan were NYC yoga fixtures for a decade, but then decamped to Greenwich where they now do it all — hot yoga, Ashtanga yoga, pre-natal yoga, you name it. So whatever level and style preferences you're bringing, they've got you covered.  
  • How Much: Prices start at $1695
  • Link: Greenwich Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica


Horseback in Costa Rica (via Gina Norman)

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