
Catskills Hiking and Rappelling Day Trip

  • Who: Outdoor Bound Adventures
  • What: A day of advanced hiking and rappelling in the Catskills. Must be in-shape and have hiking experience, but no rappelling experience necessary.
  • When: April 3, 2010
  • Where: Meet at 73rd and Broadway, group van to the Catskills
  • Why: It'll feel great to get out in the world after a winter cooped up indoors. Outdoor Bound Adventures takes care of all the pesky stuff like transportation so you'll actually get around to doing it. And the day-trip covers a variety of trails, from steep and woodsy to rocky with spectacular views. Plus you get to rappel down 100 foot cliffs. 
  • How Much: $129
  • Link: Catskill Hike and Rappel


Catskills Hiking (via <a href="">outdoorbound</a>)

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