
Hard Core/Soft Core Berkshires Weekend Retreat

  • Who: Schuyler Grant, director of the Kula Yoga Project
  • What: A weekend of heat-building vinyasa yoga focused on strengthening and opening the core, combined with a diet of cleansing macrobiotic food from Kripalu's "Buddha Bar." Designed for intermediate/advanced yogis. 
  • When: March 12 - 14, 2010
  • Where: Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Lenox, Massachusetts
  • Why: One, you don't have to get on a plane for this retreat. Two, Schuyler is a genuine yoga celebrity. She's the inventor of Kula Yoga's trademark "Kula Flow" style, which integrates the flow of Ashtanga with the precision of Iyengar, and The New York Times recently singled her out as one of New York's top advanced level teachers. 
  • How Much: $400 - $940, depending on the accommodations you choose (dorm style, cheapest; single room with private bath, most expensive)
  • Link: Kula Yoga Hard Core/Soft Core Retreat
Schuyler Grant (via <a href="">kula</a>)

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