
Learn to Ice Climb at the Catskill Ice Festival

  • Who: Alpine Endeavors, a guide service focused on the Gunks and the Catskills, with 20+ New York State licensed and American Mountain Guide Association certified guides, plus various event co-hosts. 
  • What: Catskill Ice Festival, a three day ice climbing extravaganza with group climbs, workshops and seminars with great names like dry-tooling and crevasse rescue. Includes an absolute beginners "Basic Ice Movement" course with all equipment provided and a 4:1 guide to climber ratio. 
  • Where: The Catskills, with recommended (and discounted) accommodations at the Minnewaska Lodge in New Paltz, New York.
  • When: February 19 - 22, 2010
  • Why: Channel Sir Edmund Hilary. Ice climbing is true adventure, and participating in an activity that involves a pick axe gives you real street cred. if you've never done it before, the Basic Ice Movement course is a perfect introduction. The Alpine Endeavors guides are the real deal, with major certifications, decades of experience, and a love of ice in their hearts. Plus, it's a mere 90 minutes, and if you don't sign up for stuff, you'll spend all February curled up under a blanket.  
  • How Much: $140 per session attended. Accommodation at the Minnewska Lodge starting at $99/night.
  • Link: 12th Annual Catskill Ice Festival


Recent Travel and Retreats:


Ice Climbing (via <a href="">alpineendeavors</a>)

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