
Late Winter Yoga, Snowshoeing, and Cross-Country Skiing Retreat

  • Who: Adirondack Connections Guide Service, with weekend hosts Lynne Malerba, a New York State licensed guide and Wilderness First Responder, and Mary Bartel, a Stuctural Yoga Therapist and owner of Inner Quest Yoga and Wellness Studio. 
  • What: A three-day yoga, cross-country skiing, and snowshoeing retreat in the Adirondacks.
  • Where: Lake Saranac, New York with accommodations at the country-cozy Doctor's Inn.
  • When: February 28 - March 2, 2010
  • Why: You're not going to go snowshoeing unless you book a trip. Winter seems truly, bleakly endless in March, so you need something fun. Three activities are better than one. Snowshoeing and cross-country skiing are built for meditation. The price isn't killer. And trip leaders Mary and Lynne are clearly true believers, so you can expect an entertaining streak of upstate granola alongside the beautiful snowy solitude.
  • How Much: $695. Includes lodging, meals, all activities and equipment.
  • Link: Adirondack Connections Winter Weekend
Snowshoeing (via <a href="">russ beinder</a>)

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